July 21st edition of diets and bodybuilding

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Staff member
Good morning all.Today I should be waking up and pinning,oh wait I can’t find my fuckin shit,I’m so angry with myself,I wanna put my fist thru the sheetrock.Breakfast was cheese steak,cheese n pepper, banana,R1 shake,coffee and water.Doin chest after work.Hope everyone has a smooth and productive day.
No training today. Slept like crap.
Breakfast was egg whites and raisen bread
Yogurt, Cottage cheese and triscutt
Chick pea pasta and chicken sausage
Butter Chicken and rice
Protein shake and strawberries.
Ist meal was 2 pancakes with mass gainer added and 2 fried eggs. Couple cups of coffee. 2nd meal was chocolate milk and a P3. 3rd meal is shredded chicken and rice. 4th meal is mass gainer shake. 5th meal is pasta with ground bison. 6th meal is mass gainer shake. No training today. Yesterday was pull day. Hit Pull ups, barbell rows, seated rows, Dumbell curls, Dumbell hammer curls, lat Pull-downs, Dumbell rows, EZ bar curls, and hammer curls on machine with rope.
Tried staying up a bit later to see if I could improve sleep. I slept in to 6 compared to 4 but realistically I went to bed at 12:30 instead of 9 so I don’t know, I feel better but less sleep. Today I got spaghetti squash and chicken cream of rice with protein blueberry muffins. Then egg whites and cream of rice pre and post workout cream of rice with whey. Casein and eggs as waffles before bed and slow protein with fats and no carbs
Also legs today after 1lbs of cookie dough. Boy that was amazing! it was a 8oz tub of lemon cream pie cookie dough, and another tub called everything but the bread which was peanut butter dough with peanut butter cups and grape jelly with white chocolate chips. Hence the celebration it was the end of my fat loss sprint. I lost 25lbs in 6 weeks. Went from mild belly fat and vascular in the calves and biceps but we got full ab veins now. Very effective if you can stick it out going to maintain this body weight before pushing any further. Mind you this is all on 175 mg test E from my doc.
Egg whites and pancakes for breakfast.

Legs today.

Going out to dinner with some friends to celebrate their birthday. Only problem with eating out is having to order so much food.
It’s my preference to diet really hard for 4-8 weeks then take a 4 week maintenance phase before either massing or losing again. Im not a usual stimulant user so I can keep training intensity high during extreme deficits then lay off stimulants while maintaining to reset. It’s not for everyone though because it is a gripping month or two
That’s a lot in short time frame how much do weigh. Cuase unless you have high body fat losing that much will result in loss on muscle mass usually as well
That just shows that the 175 was not nearly as important as diet and training.
I went from roughly 14-17%to sub 10% 200lbs to 175lbs but strength and reps are still same, not improving but not regressive so I believe the stimulants and work ethic can keep a good portion of muscle. Realistically over a 6 week period it isn’t long enough for the body to opt for muscle as fuel
Sounds like you’ve broke the code for yourself. Very interesting to me. Appreciate the synopsis.
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