July 28th edition of diets and bodybuilding

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Staff member
Good morning all. Breakfast was 2 cans a tuna,1 plain bagel with homemade strawberry jam,vanilla shake blended with chia seeds and oatmeal.doing legs after work.Today I am grateful for the country I live in,and the men and women who fought for this country, I am also grateful for my wife n kid,they are my life,therefore my purpose in life is to provide and protect them.Hope everyone has a smooth and productive day.
No training, donating blood after work. Breakfast was 3 whole eggs, half cup of whites. 2 English muffins.
Cottage cheese, triscut and Greek yogurt
BBQ chicken wrap
Ground beef 93% and rice
Protein shake and a banana
Happily tweaked Macros up a bit to reconcile weight gain since last time…
NUTRITION - DAILYDaily CaloriesDaily Protein GramsDaily CarbsDaily Fat
Mini Protein Shake (am)13910124
Coffee w/ soy milk x4160104-
Breakfast - Eggs4634137
Breakfast - Cold Oats46125749
Pre/Post Workout Smoothie556394716
Lunch - Monster Mash50838279
protein bar18020236
Dinner (Guessing Here)500402615
Beer (6 ultra)4753.515.5-
lose/main/gainbody weight goalbody weight goalFat
1st meal was scrambled eggs, fried potatoes/American fries, and bacon. 2nd meal was barebell bar and chocolate milk. 3rd meal was Buffalo wings and pizza. 4th meal is shake. No training today. The Primo is kicking in already. Weights that i was struggling with are moving easy now and the pumps make me look pounds heavier each workout. Tomorrow will be my 4th pin of the Primo.
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