SB Labs

July 5th edition of bodybuilding and diets

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Staff member
Military Vet
Good morning my fellow lifters and eaters.No regular work today my dad’s goin to get his testopel injection in his glutes so he’s not working,(he gets pretty sore for a day or two) so I’m gonna go feed the pigs on the farm,by myself,I really hate doin it alone,one day those fat bastards are gonna band together and escape out the door as I’m trying to feed them I can feel it.Anyways, breakfast was raisin bran,1 plain bagel,R1 shake blended with chia seeds and strawberrys, banana,coffee and water.Gonna do bis later.Hope everyone has a smooth and productive day.
Chciken biscuit feel like shit started to get real cold with hour left in work and didn’t even eat last meal
John said:
one day those fat bastards are gonna band together and escape out the door as I’m trying to feed them I can feel it.
You just crack me up!

The hogs have been sizing you up…

You can get that hello kitty lunch box with the extra $$$
Samo grub for me

Maybe squat in a bit. Been nursing a slight leg(quad) tweak for a week or so. It’ll be light for sure.
So I have the beginning of what feels like wither covid or my ai disease popping up so it’s possible no gym today or this week try to sleep and hope to wake up feeling better.
I’m thinking you’re going to need 4 of these to fuel that big engine
Bahahah I do in fact have a pink lunchbox that fits aboit 6 meals in it. It goes well with the purple scrubs we have to wear.
BF 1 - 3 egg/3 whites, one piece of bacon, slice of tomato, fresh scallions
BF2 - Chocolate/PB2/Banana 50g Protein Smoothie

Lunch - Mixed veggies, Pork loin, Protein Infused Rice

Workout For Time:
30 Clean and Jerks, 135#
1-Mile Run
10 Rope Climbs, 15’
1-Mile Run
100 Burpees
Aude_Aliquid_Dignu said:
Workout For Time:
30 Clean and Jerks, 135#
1-Mile Run
10 Rope Climbs, 15’
1-Mile Run
100 Burpees
Crazy azz

#1 I just couldn’t do this…

#2 if I tried, hiring an ambulance to hover around me for the attempt and subsequent er run would be too expensive
The upside is the er run would happen very early in the wod so there would be some cost savings there.
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