SB Labs

July 5th edition of bodybuilding and diets

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I’ve gone 9 days without a cheat meal. Today is my 54th birthday so I’m going to a nice Italian restaurant for dinner and I’m going to carb up. I can’t believe I made it to 54. Alcohol is definitely in store tonight. I never drink alcohol because my kidneys have taken a beating after 27 years of roid abuse. But tonight a couple of blended strawberry margaritas will go nicely with the pig 🐷 out meal. Yeah, I know I drink the girly drinks. They cover the nasty taste of the tequila.
I’m training delts and traps this morning.
Dinner-Tilapia in a frying pan(Avacado oil) pepper,old bay seasoning, salad,chobani.
Small dinner later-after smoking a joint with the wife will be a honey bunches of oats and strawberries with whip cream.
Good news slept mostly uninterrupted bad new still no good do test tomorrow so I can have weekend off if positive. Have a feeling it’s just my autoimmune as those spots flared pretty well but they chi ahand in hand. Wither way I’m off and wil train tomoorrow
4 slices of raisin bread and drank a cup of whites. Did a have ass leg session. Protein shake with a banana. Turkey sandwich on a pretzel roll with some spicy guac and pepper jack cheese. Then finishing the night with the usual chicken and rice.
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