June 19th edition of diets and training

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Staff member
Good morning all.Breakfast was 1 plain bagel,R1 shake blended with strawberries,4 HB eggs no yolk, banana,coffee water.Workin half day then everyones coming over to my house for father’s day gonna grill.We got some flank steak,venison burgers,shrimp and little necks,buncha sides,raw veggies,corn salad, watermelon,beer,weed, horse shoes,cornhole etc.Hope everyone has a great day.
Baby girls first fish. Small mouth bass
Typical four-egg and pancakes with chocolate chip plus bacon and protein shake breakfast. Fixing stain job on my deck, then vegetable patties and protein shake for lunch, then preworkout, then workout. Going to try a three-phase EMOM workout on my chest: 1RM x 1 EMOM for 10 minutes. 5RM x 5 EMOM for 10 minutes. 10RM x 10 EMOM for 10 minutes. Assuming I’m not dead at that point, I’ll do some cable flies and end with some dips then growl in the mirror as if I were the Hulk.
Two protein/oat shakes so far. I did chest and back. Two more protein/oats shakes to go then a nice Italian restaurant for Father’s Day dinner.
Happy Father’s Day, dads!
This guy was hanging out in yard a few days ago. He’s one of my friends.
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