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June 20th edition of diets and bodybuilding

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Military Vet
Good morning all.No gym,no work.we have a heat wave,my dad was like fuck working today,and im always agreeable to those 3 words.So i just got done “JUICING” my plants,tomatos,peppers,cucumbers,onions,chives,
Sunflowers,Lillys,i give them vitamins 1x a month,and miracle grow EOM(every other month)
Breakfast was 1 cinnamon raisin bagel toasted with a little butter,3 turkey sausage,banana,coffee water. Not sure about lunch or dinner,something on the grill for dinner.Today i am grateful for days off.Hope everyone has a smooth and productive day.
Chicken rice protein cereal with fairlife and work is from 1- depends on what works available. Could be a 12 could be less than regualr 10
Well got my industrial size vial of tren may push up to 2g a week now that I got this bad boy
Grits and eggs, protein bar, chicken and rice, pork chop and brussel sprouts, protein shake, steak and rice…
Gallon water. 2 glasses milk. Bcaa in my water at gym . I thinks that’s pretty much it .
Fucking exquisite. Pumps are crucial. Vascularity atrocious. Getting great second winds. You know where you get to that point of failure hold the weight for an extra 2 seconds and then right back at it. Not liking being two months behind but it is what it is .
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