June 30th edition of diets and training

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Staff member
Good morning all.Breakfast was a chobani,4 HB eggs no yolk, strawberries,1 plain bagel and water.No work today,goin on a fishing trip with a buncha a veterans.Were all on a bus,all these guys talking loud as fuck like they have known each other for years,what is wrong with these people.Anyways it should be fun,I’ll do my own thing I’m there to fish not communicate.Hope everyone has a smooth and productive day.
Sup y’all. Hope you enjoy the trip bro, going to a snack in a bit oats with PB, had three eggs with a waffle. Latter chicken salad & rice.

Training: legs & cardio.

I’ve had one protein/oat shakes and I trained legs.
  • 5 sets duck squats
  • 6 sets dumbbell deadlift squats
  • 6 sets standing calf raises.
I’m haveing vhciken and rice five meals today dropping out eithe chips or seats form each meal
They’re nervous id geuss.
Same fast food different supper gonna run out of npp b4 the end of my planned cycle. Gonna have to order some more I never fuckin count
I didn’t catch,hardly nobody did,worked the edges for 3 hours,said fuck it,went and got some lunch they provided,cheese steaks,burgers,raw veggies,salad,DD coffee,Gatorade,soda,water. Alls I had was 3 strawberry frosted donuts and a salad,didn’t go back on the lake hiked around the woods then we left.
Late to the party today. Had fish and broccoli for breakfast and lunch. Pro cookie with pineapple after the stair master then some protein apple pie thing I made with tortillas and sugar free maple syrup with Greek yogurt and whey. Post workout was a protein muffin with a tortilla in honey. Having a go at some chickpea cookie dough tonight hence it’s my refeed thought I would give it a shot. Had a solid push session
I like chick peas. We usually have em with tomatoes/onions in olive oil/vinegar.
I just recently added them to my diet, definitely don’t like them cooked,and I randomly throw them in things,they don’t taste like much,think I might start throwing them in with a blended shake
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