Just Checking In

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Staff member
As the title states.I went 224ish,to 205 over course of last month,barely been gym,stressed,wasn’t eating enough,sleeping shitty,no motivation or desire to do much of anything.I obviously wasnt even keeping up my daily morning thread.But I think the worst is over.my cycle was done anyways,I just went a self prescribed TRT regimen of 75mg mon/75mg Thurs.So starting my Monday back to gymming n pinning. Gonna go with a simple 400mg test c split m-thurs.Proviron 75mg daily.Winny suspension 25 mg ED.dont care to much for oral winny,gives me heartburn,but the suspension is pretty good,more bang for your buck with the suspension.
Its the time we are in. I loved winny v for years. Still do but both triceps ruptured, patellar tendon, and 2 years ago Quad tendon rupture. I was doing winstrol 50/ day every time. I was dieting each time too. But, these last few have been the only years that i felt different. Inner turmoil, cant stand people( tough being a nurse😁) Im feeling better. I started believing hitting 50, its over, injured, blah, blah. I think for some of us our lifestyle is what it is. I gotta be on supps and training and still looking good. Working more, stressing out that my portfolio isnt up to snuff…fuck all that. I never let it get to me before. Welcome back, sometimes its not bad being a bit different. When I was 25 i really didnt expect another 25 years or more so i figure im ahead playing with house money. FTW!
Ha ha playing with house money…so I was halfing it last cycle,half injec winny half oral,so I still half two halves left about 4 weeks.dudnt have any issues really.was taking glucosamine,and the cycle included npp so that probably helped.I always enjoy hearing from you @rnmuscle
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