Just venting not important

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Tbh brother i tried hard 1 time using Chantix and man never again im gonna have to ween down some the hard way, thats how i quit drugs.
Its just one of those vices where around here you need a good reason to not be smoking. Hell its ky and i farm so its all in life and culture. I quit drinking too and ive honestly not tried cigs in many years. But imma do it! I might even log it! Your right i am a bad mfr lol i believe i can do it
I dipped for years and then switched to nicotine lozenges/pouches (zyn) and now completely off. If I’m going out to a sporting event or golfing I’ll occasionally do a few Zyns. But I was eating them like candy for a while very addicted. First week or two was easy, then would get crazy nicotine urges. Will say my sleep drastically improved stopping. Doesn’t sound lkel that’s the case with you if insomnia is brand new but doesn’t hurt to switch to a nicotine alternative.
Ohhhh I see you nietzsche!! I appreciate your renaissance man approach to life. You and @herrubermensch always drop some good philosophy.

@Cluster over a can for 10 years.

I won’t lie. When I smell a dip can open near by I still take a big ole inhale and love the way it smells.

But it took 6 months to quit wanting it all the time. I also ALWAYs had one in. I switched to pouches at work so I could just pop em in and keep rolling.

You can do this. You will do this.
Yeah ive read a little bit on nootropics a while back didnt know that about nicotine. But yes in the morning with coffee holy hell i gotta make a plan to get around that
I was smoking 2-3 packs of cowboy killers a day for over 15 years. I switched to the Juul and never looked back. It was actually my doctor that planted the seed. He said I needed to quit smoking so I asked him about vapes and he said anything is better than smoking but really the jury was still out on vaping. That was about 3-4 years ago. I still vape but I got all my lung capacity back and very rarely feel short of breath of ever and it’s always surrounding strenuous activity and is probably appropriate. And I smoke a very small amount of bud if I need to get my sleeping in check. Very small amount, and add CBD to the mix. Good luck bro.
Buds cool w me i dont smoke but everyone around me does. Yeah shoulda bought that vape last nite but I’ll go when everything opens up here. Good on you for quitting tho thats awesome 👌
I smoked heavily (two packs a day) when I was in college. But after graduation, when I was about to marry my first wife at the ripe old age of 21, she told me I could have her or the cigarettes. In retrospect, I perhaps should have opted for the cigarettes! But I chose the other alternative and never smoked again, and that has redounded tremendously to my benefit.
Can I just say: This thread shows everything great about this board: Intelligence, compassion, experience, knowledge, collegiality, hilarity, and above all a desire to help each other. Pretty fucking awesome.
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