Just wanted to say hi to everyone


Hello everyone. Im currently 48 and been on TRT since I was 44. Let myself go for a while. Three years ago I decided to make some drastic changes in my lifestyle. First thing I had to do was loose a bunch of weight, 80 pounds to be exact. That took over a year through diet and exercise. I kept at my goal weight for a while, then decided time to start lifting again. Joined a gym over a year ago and have made lots of improvements, however time to kick it up a notch. Was going to add 300mg deca a week along with my TRT and maybe an oral. Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you.
Welcome to UGM. Do you have a specific goal in mind for your deca and possible oral cycle? More information will help us help you.

GREAT JOB on your weight loss achievement. That says a lot about your dedication.
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Welcome to ugm brother

I had basically the same story I let myself go bad and I added a ruptured bicep into the mix but about 3yrs later im sitting around 220lb could definitely drop around 5 lbs to tighten back up but im looking good.
It just takes time and you dropped the weight that’s the first step.

Is this your first go at a cycle?

I would say if it is go with just an oral added onto your trt. It will give you some solid gains. I would also say think about npp over decca nothing wrong with decca just a personal preference for me.
Have your AI/PCT and caber or something for progesterone definitely on hand especially with decca because decca lasts a long time before it passes through you.
You just definitely want to be fully prepared.
I like to always recommend pharma grade but a trusted source will do good also.
For me I have gotten about as lean as I want to get. Im only 5 and a half feet tall, current weight is 150. Would like to add maybe 10 to 15 pounds of muscle. Just not quite sure whats possible yet. As far as oral goes was thinking about kicking if off with Dbol. Thanks for your input.
Have you considered bumping up your test to 500mg and eat for lean growth for 10-12 weeks?

With your experience with TRT I think this would provide you with some surprising results if your diet and training is on point. You also already have experience and access to all ancillaries that might be needed. A 19-nor like deca comes with some unique potential side effects that will require to have a dopomine antagonist on hand like caber.
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Man last cycle I did I was in my mid twenties, so its been a while. And congrats on your accomplishments. I will say this has been quite the journey, and looking back three years ago I had now idea how much I would change. Its a heck of a lot of work so I commend everybody on this site wether your just starting or well into it. Thank you so much for the advice and Im glad I landed on this site.
Hi Mag, welcome 🙂

How often do you get bloods done for your TRT? I’m sure you know already not to bump your testosterone too close to a blood test or else you’ll end up with your doctor lowering your TRT dosage.
Thanks for the heads up. Next blood test is Oct 8th. Already started ordering, will wait till after the blood work on the 8th, to take anything. They usually make me do labs every few months or so. The place I go to is a little disorganized, has been times that I had to bring it up because they forget. Also on 1mg a week Arimidex and currently having to donate blood every 6 weeks. Thanks again.