SB Labs

Keep Your Strength And Retain Muscle Mass As You Age. Part 2.6

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Staff member
Military Vet
Coach @Kad1 said something very profound the other day. The quote was Strength is relative so it’s important for everyone at any “heavy” load.
It was in the context of bench pressing during one of his many impromptu golden training tidbits. He was stressing good form no matter what an individual’s heavy load might be.

Let’s face the facts…in our aging years (50’s and up) we’re just not pushing weights like we used to…unless you’re a beginner and still making gains. If you’ve been in the game since school then your big strength lifts are probably behind you as you creep up on senior citizen status (or you’re already there and accumulating bonus points).

I propose that we reset our PR’s to current age appropriate standards. There’s nothing wrong with not squatting your max from 20 years ago. An injury in your 50’s is waaayyyy different than an injury in your 20’s…generally.

The takeaway from this is… utilize proper form and training principles while keeping your 30 something ego where it belongs…in the past. Train with your head…not your heart/ego.
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Excellent advice as always. My “heavy” is not your “heavy” . You are where you are, go with it and grow from there. Don’t compare yourself to anyone other than you. At the end of the day that’s all that matters. How well did you do. How much progress did you make.
I have 10 rules at my gym, 1- leave
Your ego at the door. As Marcellus Wallis said, “ ego never helps, it only hurts” watch Pulp Fiction if that quote is over your head.
Kad1 said:
You are where you are, go with it and grow from there. Don’t compare yourself to anyone other than you.
More sound advice but it’s difficult at times when I fall into the old guy trap…see some young whipper snapper strutting around with all his hair and 20/20 vision…thinking to myself back in the day I would have wore you out in the weight room. Now i just shake my cane at him and tell him to get off my lawn. Hahaha

The only upside as far as I can tell is I’m a tad bit smarter and will not hesitate to shut something down.
I’m pretty much still half a meatball. Lol
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