SB Labs

Keeping Safe Online While Browsing. VPN or Tor?


Staff member
Ok so heres the best way to keep safe. I get asked this question often however its a little more most people know how to do. Computers I sell come this way.
Remember also to
  • Encrypt your full hardrive with veracrypt. Use a good but easy to remember for yourself password.
  • Create another encrypted file container and hidden container and place it in your filesystem.
  1. Install Oracle VirtualBox
  2. Install Whonix
    Whonix is an easy install into Virtual Box and keeps everything connected thru Tor.
    First thing you want to run in both the gateway and workstation is an update. Open the terminal or “Konsole” and type:
    > sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
    this will install the lastest version and keep you routed thru tor in the VM.
  3. Next step is your router. Choose a VPN service with OpenVPN that you can install on a router. Preferably this will be a 4gLTE Router running off a sim card for service. Use a company like BlackVPN, NordVPN etc. And upload several settings in countries outside of EU and US. Your computer should only connect thru this router.
When running Whonix, you will always be behind the router and tor. This is the safest possible way to browse the net.
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