SB Labs

Kinda looks like the country is over it

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Nevermind that there are eye witnesses and video of the damn thing. It’s like saying 9/11 didn’t happen.
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National Louis University relieved a professor of teaching duties for the rest of the semester after students complained about an assignment that appeared to question whether the Holocaust actually happened.
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He was relieved because it was one individual’s opinion not the stance of the educational institution.

I read your post as universities and colleges were teaching it not some idiot running his mouth.

How anyone could think it didn’t happen is amazing but tells you how “smart” you need to be to be a professor.
I know of one who had a contract with the company that I work for. 10000 bucks a month and decided to argue w a company big wig about light leaks being bent light. Instead of sealing the holes with duct tape…won the argument lost 120k per year
I took a class in critical thinking and decision making. The professor spend his entire life in academics. Started his class saying there’s no reason for failure if you follow ishikawa charting system. i.e. a fish bone chart. I was like sometimes gut instincts are a make or break deal. Sometimes feeling something isn’t right is a good point of reference. He said explain. I said Steve Jobs. Bill Gates. Two examples. He said you give me one you had. I told him 21 years in the Corps and 5 years in government contract work. And I’m sitting here. 😂. Anyways I was always the guy that said “that’s not true and in the REAL world, if you were in it. You’d know”. Anyways. Got a 2.5 in his class. He knew my company wouldn’t pay for the class if it was below 3.0. Fuck stick. At the end of the class I told him “didn’t take no fish one chart to know that no matter what I did in this class you weren’t going to grade me right.”😂
What a dick- I went back to College in my late 30s- I also had a hard time swallowing b.s and challenged profs frequently. A few appreciated the point of view and discussion- the rest thought I was an asshole Army guy
I tried in at 20- college I mean. Too much ass and partying. All i did was chase tail and get loaded…failed about half my classes/ dropped the others and maybe got 6 credits.
Fast forward 15 years and I was a straight A student- magma cum laude…
I couldn’t agree more when im not any of those but they love to play the racism card against people like us and its because of people that do things like that make us look bad just for being a Republican.
I hate that and I can understand why some people might be racist but in America there should be no swastikas flying because we lost so many Americans to defeat them I hope that they can understand that and stop that shit.
I love learning about history, ancient to modern times. A lot of people who carry around Nazi symbols are seriously misinformed, usually taken in at a vulnerable time in their lives and are usually less educated. I’ve watched so many documentaries on the subject, and once the leader of the group is taken away, they always fall apart.
There are a lot of similarities between our current republic and ancient Roman republic, I think people would be wise to study that time period, we mirror each other, and I’d hate to see our country go down the same path.
American history X

Great movie and was about exactly how they prey on young men and women to pass the propaganda on to them just like they did in Europe to take over but its just propaganda.
Gotta really look into the truth of the situation.

I agree with the comparison to rome but its a very different time because you actually have 3 Roman empires USA Russia and China
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