SB Labs

Lab results. Advice please

I took 1 mg of arimidex as recommended by @Optumpharma yesterday. How long will it be before this drops my estrogen? It was at 101. Will I be able to tell that it is dropping and if so how? Will I feel like my test levels are up or something like that? Drive increase maybe?
@Johnnyred Yes, in short you will be able to gauge your levels and plasma levels going back to a healthy estro level. But will take 2 weeks on standard average to balance the body out depending on the body and how you aromatase estrogen and testosterone.

As far as telling how you feel- Better sleep, sex drive higher, better mental clarity and energy levels are what most patients seem to report when all hormone levels go to a healthy range.

Please keep me posted and updated on how you feel. Thank you!
@Optumpharma I got my Arimidex today from someone local because the only other way I was comfortable about ordering is from my old source that took 2 months to get my last order to me. Knowing I needed to get it in me ASAP I got it this way. I wound up with liquid dex 5mg per ml. How would you recommend me to take this to equal what you had suggested with 1 mg tabs? .1 twice per week? My guy warned me to be careful that it was potent stuff
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I didn’t ever stop. I stayed on my base schedule after my tren cycle I just lowered the dose. I had got a couple doses of arimidex from a gym buddy to get it in my system while I was waiting on mine and after my second dose Sunday I could feel my drive coming back yesterday and my night sweats are finally gone. I’m feeling a lot better now