Learning The Lingo Of Our Lifestyle


Staff member
I just had an epiphany a minute ago.

During many conversations with @NeuroRN and others here on UGM, I’ve noticed the terminology I’ve picked up and learned to utilize over the years.

It’s the lingo related to the use of aas and, in the last 20 years or so, the lingo in relation to the medical side of things.

I learn something new all the time about aas as I was never neck deep in it and started a decade or so prior to the internet.

I’ve learned many things about my health and the associated lingo that goes a long with it. We all have our chosen craft and are relatively versed in that craft…to the point that an outsider probably wouldn’t understand much while you and a coworker were solving a problem at work.

I’m not saying that you need a degree in the medical field to stay on top of your health but our own due diligence will serve us well. For instance, having a working knowledge of our blood labs, checking BP… and of course the lingo. We don’t want to just nod our heads like we understand what is being said or written… google and ask questions here.
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I always use google. But I also don’t always find the right answered or find them but not worded correctly for me as well I guess. So I’ll ask her and it always kind of a reassurance thing for me. Kinda like getting a second opinion haha plus I know the guys here are always safety first and are looking out for other to the best of their abilities
A lexicon is the vocabulary of a language or branch of knowledge. In linguistics, a lexicon is a language’s inventory of lexemes. The word lexicon derives from Greek word λεξικόν, neuter of λεξικός meaning ‘of or for words’.

An example of lexicon is a set of medical terms
Forum Language /Slang and abbreviation for words to help you understand General
Hey guys here’s a little list to help some of you out when reading through our posts. Abbreviations TUT = Time Under Tension HAM = Hard as a motherfucker DOMS = Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness SMH = Shaking my head FFS = For Fuck’s sake ATM = At the moment OP = Original Post FYI = For your information IMO = In my opinion IME = In my experience iirc - If I Recall Correctly Afaik - As far as I know Tbh - to be honest Idgaf - I don’t give a fuck IMHO - in my honest opinion or in my h…
So dont answer them if their that tiring.How many new guys do we say the words,dont be afraid to or dont hesitate to ask questions…
I don’t usually answer people’s questions that could have been answered if they had taken the time to search the forum or google, And I’m 100% certain I’m not alone in this feeling. There’s a lot to be said in putting in your own work to learn something. And then clarifying the fine points.

I also said I’m happy to help, guess you skipped that part.
Ahh. Now that I understand, and should have probably worded my initial post differently as well.

I’m happy to help, but I think you will gain a better understanding and deeper knowledge base if you spend the time trying to research for yourself before you ask your questions. Use the magnifying glass and google. As @John stated, ask your questions, and we will answer, some quicker than others, because we would rather folks be here than elsewhere.