SB Labs

Let me know if this becomes annoying

For sure, Paramexer, SBL, any that I’ve used in the almost 2 years…has it been that long? Have been great. IJL has been here almost since I was or maybe even before…I know it was me and fitraver and I think fitstudboi . Damn, look back and see the unfinished but huge change he made.
Oh no …of course you were trsining with some powerlifting guy and gal too right? I tried but we all did that competition and fitraver won? I won the connor McGregor boxing contest…that was a year ago?
Haha yeah and I actually miss powerlifting for sure but bodybuilding is definitely my passion, that was @Fitraver 's first log on here. He beat myself and @Mrbell87, and definitely rightfully haha. I remember the McGregor contest as well. It’s hard to think that it really has been that long.