SB Labs

Lipostabil N phosphatidylcholine/Sodium deoxycholate




Lipostabil N is an injectable medication that contains phosphatidylcholine (PPC), a natural phospholipid. Sodium deoxycholate (a bile salt) is also added (among other ingredients) to solubilize PPC in water. It was originally
developed as an intravenous solution for the
improvement of serum lipids, reduction of arterial plaque, improving liver values, and the prevention or treatment of blood vessel
blockages by fat particles (fat embolism). It is approved as an intravenous drug in a number of countries, mainly in Europe. Lipostabil has also had a very popular off-label use over the past several years, namely as a localized fat loss
agent Clinics in many areas of the world including Brazil, Europe, and the United States have actually marketed this as a nonsurgical alternative to liposuction. In recent years,
bodybuilders have been paying some attention to this drug as well, using it as a cutting or finishing agent. The mechanism behind Lipostabil’s lipolytic (fat loss promoting) effect is unique. Upon injection, the solution acts as a detergent, causing nonspecific lysis (breakdown)
of cell membranes. The bile salt sodium deoxycholate is actually believed to play an important role here, and is therefore considered an active constituent of Lipostabil for
the context of this profile (it is normally considered an inactive ingredient). During this process the fatty acids stored in the cell membrane are released, which includes
arachidonic acid. This will trigger the inflammatory cascade, benefiting lipolysis (the inflammatory system can be a powerful remodeler of body composition) but also
causing unwelcome pain and swelling.
Phosphatidylcholine itself also triggers the release of lipases used in the removal of fat.2 All of this works together to dismantle localized fat stores, which are removed via the liver in the form of gall acids.

Lipostabil first appeared as a medication during the 1950s. Although not approved for prescription use in the U.S., it is approved for medical use in a number of other countries.
The most popular brand name is Lipostabil N by
Nattermann, although it is also found as Lipostabil Forte and simply as Lipostabil. The application of this drug for fat
loss is generally viewed as an “off-label” use of the medication, although it undoubtedly remains a highly popular factor in its sales. Some doctors do believe that using Lipostabil for cosmetic purposes is controversial, and
advise against using it for cosmetic reasons. When you look at the available data, however, its safety profile appears to be admittedly very high. Lipostabil has been widely used as an intravenous drug for more than 40 years, and has
displayed very few clinically significant side effects during that time. Injecting the same drug subcutaneously is not likely to present any significant new or serious risks to the
patient. Network Lipolysis (an organization of some 350 doctors worldwide that supports this use of Lipostabil) reports over 18,000 cosmetic treatments without unexpected
adverse events. Additionally, Dr. Hasengschwandtner, the medical director of the Austrian clinic Therapy Centre Bad
Loefelden, has reported on bilirubin and gamma glutamyl transferases (markers of liver stress) values after subcutaneous Lipostabil use, to see if this new method of fat remodeling is causing liver strain. The results were in line with IV use, showing no abnormal change in these
values. Although we do not have a great deal of data on this off-label use of Lipostabil, what can be found is generally very positive, and suggests this drug (or natural drug, if you will) is quite safe. Lipostabil is presently sold in Germany, Spain, Italy, Czech Republic, Hong Kong, and
South Africa

How Supplied
Lipostabil is most commonly supplied in injectable ampules containing 5 mL of solution each.

Structural Characteristics
The primary active ingredients in Lipostabil are
(phosphatidyl-N-trimethylethanolamine) and sodium deoxycholate
(cholan-24-oic acid, 3,12-dihydroxy-,monosodium salt).

Side Effects
Potential side effects associated with subcutaneous Upostabil injections include localized swelling, redness of the skin, burning, pain, tenderness, and bruising. Systemic
side effects are reported in approximately 3% of users and may indude diarrhea, nausea, dizziness, and intermenstrual bleeding.

The typical practice for using this drug to promote localized fat loss involves a series of subcutaneous injections. A total dosage of 1250-2500 mg is often used, which equates to 25-50 mL of injectable solution. This dosage is divided into 20 or more separate smaller
injections. These are spaced throughout the problematic area (quite commonly the abdominals or thighs), and are all given during the same office visit or application period.
The drug is not administered on a daily basis.
Lipostabil injections usually cause a significant amount of inflammation in the area, which may take a week or longer to fully subside. When the inflammation does subside, however, it usually unveils a noticeable amount of fat loss.
In a clinical setting, this procedure is often repeated a few times, so as to sculpt the area and achieve the desired level of fat reduction. The current guidelines set forth by
Network Lipolysis call for an 8-week break between treatment periods. When taken outside of a clinical setting, it is usually advised to apply the first course at a much lower dosage in order to judge individual sensitivity
to the drug. Some find it simply too painful to use, while others seem to tolerate the whole procedure extremely well.
As for the ultimate question of how well it works, it is difficult to give exact numbers, as few clinical studies have been conducted on this use of the drug. The anecdotal feedback is mixed. Many people who try it report positive
results, particularly for the removal of those last stubborn areas of fat interfering with muscle definition. There do not seem to be many reports of dramatic weight loss, however, nor does it seem to be the “pharmaceutical
liposuction” that some clinics describe it to be. Regardless, the reports of visible improvements in fat loss and muscle definition are consistent and compelling enough to be given credit. For those extremely overweight, this product
is not likely to perform well, but as a finishing touch it may hold value.

Lipostabil is not a controlled drug in the U.S. or Europe, and as such is fairly easy to obtain on the black market or via mail order drug distributors. “Mesotherapy” clinics selling procedures with Lipostabil are also fairly common.
This actually sounds like a perfect treatment for me once I get back down to fighting weight. last time I was 10-15%, I had a lot of extra subcutaneous fat around my belly. I bet this helps annihilate it.
They have a couple different options to subq inj that are for fat loss now but there not very safe alot of accidents

They definitely work though
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