SB Labs

Log tips, first cycle summary & general update


Well-known member
Just finished my first cycle, ran 300 Test c for 10 weeks and did 400 the last 2 weeks, overall it was pretty successful, only had one ER visit for Rhabdomyolysis on week 4, got some really nice gains, learned a lot about my body and most importantly it helped me decide if I want to continue on my anabolic journey and leverage more serious compounds in the future. I was already on prescribed TRT before the cycle so I will not be running a PCT.
post cycle labs being drawn later this week. Not really sure what compound I’m gonna leverage for my first serious cycle, much more research needs to be done, just cruising my TRT for now.

Going into this I thought I just wanted to body build recreationally but now that were at this point I’ve decided I want to start competing, I’ve hired a coach with very nice credentials, his meal plan has shown me that only eating chicken, rice, beef and bananas is not something that my body responds well to, he incorporated some healthy fats which made me realize how depleted I was feeling prior to this diet and his workouts are something that really work for me.

He requires a general Log to be kept each week, I’m not trying to deviate from his plan at all, just wondering if anyone has some metrics they wish they would have measured in the past, just trying to be proactive as possible.

thanks boys

How did you give yourself Rhabdo? I’ve coached CrossFit for 10 years and never seen it
@Poppy he’s covering the whole 9

@Kad1 I used DMHA pre for like 2 months straight and every single training session was balls to the walls, could be something else but haven’t had the issue since I quit using it, scary experience to say the least, thought I was having a heart attack
Were you pissing blood?

Not being a smarty pants but if you’re paying a coach, you should probably just do what he says. He should have a plan for you…including weigh points to track progress. Don’t deviate from what he/she prescribes.
Rhabdo is like a severely crushed muscle…very serious where as nasty fluids leak into your kidneys. Renal degradation or failure is very teal.
didnt notice any blood, symptoms were a high resting heart rate and was feeling like i had just popped a bunch of adderall after i took it, what put me in the hospital was a high resting heart rate, broke out in a crazy sweat and all my limbs went numb, also the ER i went to was absolutely dog shit quality, but it was the closest one to my house

but yea i completely agree on not deviating from my coaches plan, but recording extra metrics cant hurt anything
Considering metrics from my perspective would be health first then weight lifting/physique goals.

The two are not impossible to accomplish. It’s very possible to reach reasonable physique/performance goals while maintaining health.
Withings makes some good products that can track BP, and body comp that sync nicely with my iPhone. It shows charts and graphs which is fun to look back on to see how changes affected these metrics.