Looking for advice on cycle


Apologize in advance if this has been covered and is redundant. That said all situations are different so looking for some advice.
41 years old
10 % body fat
So ran pretty aggressive cycle this summer and looked great. Stayed with try and didn’t lose much but enough.
All i really care about is looking and feeling good. Prefer dry athletic look, no problems gaining mass.
About to load up and interested in suggestions for over all feeling of well being and looking good (from female perspective).
Definitely intend on including at least minimal dose of hgh regardless.
Thanks in advance to the helpful ones out there
Welcome aboard. For me can’t beat Primobolan, NPP and Mast. Also test C. I’m 47 and always have great results with those
Have you ever thought about donating blood? That makes me feel great and does wonders for my labs.
Haven’t but will look into it. Most here would consider me a moron the way I go about this shit. Just not the type of guy that gets labs done. Working on this part of myself as it’s obviously a lot deeper than taking some juice but if it helps with feeling great I’m all about it. Just blood or plasma also?
Any suggestions on how much to run of each? Never tried either except ND so intriguing.
Thanks for advice, much appreciated
Get labs done to start. Definitely donate blood to red cross.
Primo- 400-600 to start
NPP 400 per week
I micro dose so I pin every day
Yep get rid of a pint of whole blood every 7 weeks or so. The older you get the more important it becomes. Labs are essential for those of us in this lifestyle. You will hear “harm reduction” often on this forum…which is a great mantra provided you want live a long healthy life.

@Dirtnasty @Kad1 know what they’re talking about.
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@Bix I got the same “dressing down” from @NeuroRN about my a1c not too long ago. He might not tell you what you want to hear but he will tell you what you need to hear. At least that was my case.

Fast fwd to now. I did as he instructed and I feel great! I’m hitting on all 12 cylinders! Btw I’m old enough to be your dad.
I would say test and tbol.

Nothing beats tbol in getting the athletic look imo. It’s the only steroid designed for athletes to dominate in athletic competition. It also lowers shbg so very complementary with test.
Test and winny is also a winning combo if you want to get below 10%. It really shreds you with this dry look. Idk if that’s what you mean by athletic look. For me as an former pro athlete, that’s not what I think a athletic look is.

Women might prefer that kind of shredded dry look or a bit more mass. For me winstrol gets me closer with Brad Pitt in fight club and Tbol gets me closer to a Henry Cavill Superman look.