Low dose of dbol worth it?


Well-known member
I’m currently starting my “bulk” I guess you can say and I was wondering if a low dose of dbol around 12.5 mg a day would be worth it. I say 12.5 because I have 25mg pills. I am going to up my test to 400mg. I’ve ran dbol before and ran it around 50mg but Training wasn’t there for it to be as effective as it could be. Just trying to get the most out of the least amount of gear.
Years ago…decades actually…my crowd would take it prewo…I believe it might be “post” now. For some reason I thought i would take 10 pre… but do NOT take as advice. The smarter folks will check in.
I took Dbol and Anadrol that way. I got a little crazy with Abombs sometimes though, upwards of 150 mg in a day during big meets… not smart, worked nicely with a little nose torque though! Oh to be younger and stupid again!
@Bigmurph, I’ll be 100% honest with you. In my 20’s, I chased numbers and that’s it… I never felt much at meets, between my adrenaline (internal volume turned to 100) there wasn’t much in my focus other than my lift. I only took 150 a few times, when I knew I was close to first and needed a little edge, I’m sure it took its toll on me though. My normal protocol for meets in my 30’s was 50 mg 1 hr before my flight would go on squats, and then another 50 mg immediately after bench to push me a little more on deadlifts. There was a lot of stupidity in that sport in the 2000’s and 2010’s. I knew guys mixing raws with ever clear and taking shots of that PWO and during meets, I lifted in meets with European lifters who would do lines of coke before their lifts… I saw ALOT of stupid, and I participated too
I got to say maybe cause the amounts was much higher than lines but I can’t lift on blow then again I was booting like .3-.5g at a time
I use heavy orals as pwo on days I just feel tired I work a lot so it’s an added boost of nrg as far as everyday only have so many days before it negatively effects my BP. but I say PWO always that way you get the animal. While you workout