SB Labs

Managing painful back pumps


Well-known member
Hey guys, so this morning I only made it halfway through my morning workout due to insanely painful backpumps. Currently on 40 mgs oral dbol, 500mg test c and 75mg Tren a eod.
I’ve heard nolva, electrolytes, taurine help but I’d like a difinitive info before I go spending more money. What are your thoughts and experiences with this?
Thanks guys.
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Definitely taurine helps. Idk about Nolva that would be a very odd addition just to help with back pumps. Doesn’t make sense as it would effect other things
Nothing I found helps with calf or back pumps including taurine for me. Maybe someone will have some ideas that will work for you.
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Dbol nails my back and var tightens calves.

Your back pumps I bet are associated with your oral.

Taurine may help you and you certainly should be adding electrolytes even in the absence of back pumps in my opinion. We burn through them quickly when training hard.
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Have you had a recent increase in weight? Sometimes it’s not what we are taking that triggers these pains. Adrol use to give me crazy back pumps but I was also very heavy for my height and not that lean. I’ve never had dbol effect my back. After competitions when I gain weight quick I can get back pains like what you’re describing and it’s so painful you want to stop. Or is it your not drinking enough water and it could be your kidneys from stress of dbol. Lot of different factors to really look at to pin point what’s really going on. It doesn’t look to me your dosages are that high to cause that. But everyone’s body is different. That’s why we are all unique.
I just added anavar oral to my stack. Nothing on my calves yet, but then again I jaut added the anavar less than a week ago.
I have to ask why are you running dbol and phasing it out and replacing with anavar?? These are two very different drugs and should be used for different cycles. You need to change diet all up if you are using dbol then var. I’d like to know where you got this cycle from. Not saying you don’t know your drugs. I’ve just never seen or heard of this and it really doesn’t make sense to me unless you take a break inbetween.

I’ve ran dbol on prep before but I was on a clean diet. Again just asking thought process on this
X2 @PHD thank you for your direct approach… I was wondering the very same thing but I did not want to appear critical towards @Sivmig without being able offer something constructive in the moment. It just seems that there is potentially some poor cycle planning which is normal when anyone begins the use of steroids. Lord knows I have had my share of useless cycles because of ass half planning.

We care about you @Sivmig and we care about every members success. Right now I don’t see a good rate of return factored in to this concept.
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Thanks bro. I just kept wondering why and I had to ask. Hope it didn’t come across as critical I’m just straight forward.
Not at all. I was speaking completely from my perspective not to post the question. It is a great question and I am sure @Sivmig sees the reason for you asking.
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