SB Labs

Managing painful back pumps

@Nsane504 curious to know why you think adex helped your lower back pumps since anadrol cannot convert to estrogen via the aromatase enzyme and adex is simply an aromatase inhibitor? Thanks for any input.

Unless you are holding water from elevated estrogen from other steroids that convert I don’t see how an AI could help.
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I think that’s kinda the million dollar question lol, no one really knows exactly how it causes issues like gyno or estrogenic type sides we know for sure it doesn’t aromatise or convert to progesterone but they did find evidence that it stimulates the estrogen receptors but even then there’s not a whole lot of explanation of that really means even but as rule of thumb when u have typical estrogen sides like gyno or tightness in low back running an AI like adex or aromasin relieves some of that I really don’t know if it’s due to the stimulation of the estrogen receptor like a few places have reported or just a synergistic effect with the other compounds your running that cause elevation in your overall estrogen numbers but I do know an AI will help some when you start to have those type issues. Also when running anadrol keeping your blood pressure in check with a blood pressure med combined with hctz to keep water retention down can help with tightness from bloat some also.
Thanks @Nsane504 for taking the time to type out your response. I follow your line of reasoning but I personally can’t connect the dots. The great thing is that you found that adex worked for you in this situation and it just might work for someone else.

I will say I am not side sensitive so I get a lot of my thinking from my own personal experiences and I have to remember every person is different.
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I hear u bro. Honestly I never even needed an AI until I was probably 32 33 and I did some pretty heavy cycles in my twenties with zero issues idk if it’s age or what but it finally caught up with me but even now when I do have issues it’s nothing major. It’s more so with prolactin and nandrolones.