SB Labs

Managing painful back pumps

You could definitely use var but run the var about 8wks from now or when ever you plan on going back down to your regular trt dose.
If you run the var it will be almost like a bridge between your test levels going back to trt levels and should give you a nice defined muscular look after you deflate from your bulk.
Sorry guys, ive been in the middle of my shift. @Bigmurph, @PHD, @SemperFi, @KodiakGrrl anavar was recommended to me with Tren and test. But since I was running dbol in kinda doing both.
Not recommended? I thought I’d get rid. Of some. Of the water weight from the dbol.
I’m always open to suggestions.
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Honestly bud, I wouldn’t worry about the water at the moment. You’ll see how quickly the water weight leaves. Personally I would take these guys on their advice and get as much help as you could in effectively creating a cycle next time around. I didn’t have guys like to learn from once I was first starting cycling and it definitely lead to me over complicating it. Keep it simple and always have a clear goal for each cycle. I think you’d get much more of a bang for your buck if you saved the var for another cycle. I’m still very much so an amateur in this game though so I’ll let the vets continue to chime in.
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@PHD, @SemperFi. The reasoning behind my madness was this: I began my Cycle strictly as trt 200mg test cyp weekly. I began augmenting that with dbol at 40 mgs daily (I was going to cycle off dbol after 6 weeks due to its liver toxicity). Then I came across UGmuscle found some good sponsors. I made an order for more test cyp, to bring my test intake up to 500mg weekly. I then talked myself into adding Tren to the mix (moderate amounts until I could see how I tolerated it of course). I was then told a great addition to my test/Tren cycle would be anavar. Researched anavar and learned it was easy on the liver and helped with retaining gains. So I figured I would faze out dbol and start anavar to go along with the end portion of my cycle.
I’m not super experieced with gear and rely on what I deem sound advice from decent folk to guide me. I joined this page for that reason. I’m always open to suggestions and advice from seasoned members. I’m sure this will be a great learning experience for me.
@Islandswole. Thanks brother., I absolutely will take advantage of the knowledge and resources available on here. I’m just psyched I found this group. Love being a part of it.
Yea I’d be careful of what you read on the internet bro. Honestly sounds like youncould use a lot of help. I do offer coaching in which I will help create a plan based on your goals I also help with gear. Just something to think about.
Thanks buddy. Absolutely something to consider for my future cycles. If I could afford it now I’d definitely sign up.
Sure thing bud. Quit buying random gear and you could 😂😂😂 totally joking with you. Hope we could set you on a more clear path.
So from the feedback I’ve gotten I’m thinking the general consensus is to drop to anavar. I’ll be dropping the dbol next week at the end of 6 weeks. Is there a anything I could add that would compliment what’s left of my test/Tren Cycle? My goal is to bulk but keep a large portion of my gains when I go back to trt.
you’re running to opposing compounds … what is your goal or purpose for the cycle? that should always dictate what compounds you choose… using Anavar to get rid of water weight? that’s really a waste of money … running two orals at the same time ----> hard on the system. it always goes back to what’s the purpose of your cycle and selecting compounds …
I get bad low back tightness when I run anadrol, I usually run adex eod when it happens and it clears up pretty quick. Also if your dropping the dbol and not gonna use var I would give tbol a shot it works great with test and tren and it’s awesome for lean mass and has little to no sides. Good luck bro!
@Nsane504, thanks for the info buddy. I’m definitely dropping the orals from this cycle. I’ve looked into tbol, and eventually I’ll try that one too. What better way to see what works and what doesn’t right?