Masteron & Provirion - Blast Cycle w DBol


Well-known member
So I am on TRT running 1.5 ml of pharma grade Test C weekly micro dosing 30cc on 27g insulin needle ED M-F. I been off cycle since end of June. Ran 500 TestC / 300 NPP / 75mg Anavor - with great result and strength through the roof. So been cruising on TRT ever since July - feel great but going to try a 5-6 week blast cycle since winter is knocking at the door. Here is what I am thinking:
  • Test C - 1.5 ml / 300mg - may bump to 2ml / 400mg
  • Masteron E -1.5 ml / 450 mg - either pin Monday or micro dose at 30 cc on 27 g insulin needle M-F (run for 160 days)
  • Proviron - 50 mg ED 7 day a week (run for 160 days)
  • DBol - looking at injectable DBol at 30-50 cc ED M-F (6-8 weeks max)
  • DBol - Oral 20-25mg only as PWO about 45 mins before gym time (6-8 weeks max).
  • AI - aromasin 12.5 mg ED may adjust to EOD - I look at Test C,E,P and my Ester spikes 😬
Let me know what you think and am open to any advise, or concerns you may have on my blast. Thank you UG Family for your time.
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It sounds short, 5-6 weeks using mast e, and test c which I know is a bit shorter ester then e, I would run it no less then 10 weeks with those type of things, and I love proviron, I run it no matter what else I’m running, and I like mast to.
And weather it’s oral or inject, if possible taking it as pwo it would benefit you more if you could do it longer then 45 mins before workout as it would not be reaching its peak levels that quick
Im not quite sure how to direct you but there was a big discussion on this very topic not to long back I believe you should be able to look it up… I use proviron regardless of what I’m running, sometimes it coincides with mast, and together for me personally they make me hard and vascular and I like it.
Totally understand. I can run them separate or both - if I don’t like the results stop the Proviron and run mast. I’ll search for the discussion.
I think it looks great, but the masteron wouldn’t serve TOO much of a purpose in this scenario other than freeing up some T. I think the oral proviron option would suit you much better. This would give you the same benefits without having to push as much oil. If you’re planning on doing a 6 weeker or shorter, I would either front load the test since it’s a longer ester, or add in some prop to run alongside the longer ester.

As for running an oral dbol with proviron, it shouldn’t matter as the liver toxicity of proviron is relatively low and dbol, though harsh, is in and out of your system quickly. Best of both worlds: run injectable dbol on days you’re pinning and throw in an oral version preworkout. I’ve done this many times with success.
The Test C is already running been on TRT for over a year now. My last cycle ended last week of June - No PCT just went back on TRT dose. I do like that - to run dbol injectable on pin days and add in dbol oral as PWO. I actually picked up some Dutch 100 DBol in September and was finally delivered in the second week of October. Star was great to deal with, once Star was brought on board Dutch. And explained the situation on what was going on, and how things got a little convoluted. What do you recommend for the dbol dosage on injectable and oral - pwo ?
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Two totally different compounds brotha, proviron is like a turbo boost to any other gear your on. Also proviron will not stress your liver as much as some methylated orals so running dbol with it shouldnt arise with any issues. If your deeply concerned about it add some tudca daily as a liver protector. Other then that stack looks goods. What is your goal for this cycle, recomp, bulk , cut …?
@Raphael3636 - Thanks. I typically use NAC and Tudca when I run any orals. Just to keep the liver save. Goal is to put on some size with the dbol and keep the water weight minimum and the strength up with Mast & Proviron.
Nice man, you got your self a nice little stack, keep carbs moderately high when on dbol, then I would drop down to maintenance carbs while running the Mast to let it really shine
Yeah I think that its best to use dbol pwo. I haven’t used dbol in along time because of my blood pressure issues but always in the past dbol 20-40mg pwo blue hearts, British dispensary worked amazing.