Masteron & Provirion - Blast Cycle w DBol

I only like inject dbol stricty as pwo, fuck using it, to speed up the process, or get quick gains or bridging a gap or plateau , water weight is trash.
pin what compound exactly? I microdose daily right now only .30 cc on insluin needle M-F, Mast E .30 cc on insulin needle M-F. I only used the injectable Dbol last week as PWO - just to try out. I wont start a cycle until late December, when I able to make full use of the cycle and not have to travel with work. Was think of also adding in about 300-400mg of Deca for the joints and added strength.
Do you always take the provirion 50mgs a day? Split dose? Or all at same time? Will 25mg a day do any good? I’m on 500mg test and 500mg masteron currently.
I just take 50 mgs of Proviron daily, every morning. All in one dose. I dont know if 25 mgs will do anything, everything I have read on proviron is that 50mgs is usually the sweat spot on this. I am on Test C @ 300 mgs (weekly), Mast E @ 400mgs (weekly) and Proviron 50 mgs (daily). Feel great on this dose, mood is happy and stable, no really aggression (only in the gym).
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