SB Labs

May 29th edition of diets and bodybuilding

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Staff member
Military Vet
Good morning all.i havent been keeping up with my duties here lately,i been sucking at life the last few weeks in all aspects,ive been extremely negative and a shithead to (like normal) the people closest to me. With that being said here I am. Did legs at the gym this am,i havent went in 9 days.Breakfast was 4 eggs over easy,4 pieces whole grain toast,4 turkey sausage,coffee,water,banana.lunch will be leftover chicken parm and a salad,cranberry juice.Im doin burgers on the grill tonight,white american,lett,tomato,homemade french fries(exwife even grew the potatoes) Today im grateful for all the women in my life,daughter, mom,3 sisters,exwife,girlfriend in that order.Hope everyone has a smooth and productive day.
Been working a crap load of OT the last 3 weeks so now I’m playing catch up with all the stuff I’ve been neglected today. Still no working out. The pulled muscle ended up being a pinched nerve in my neck and is healing but very slowly. Probably start some light banded exercises just to keep me from totally going to crap. Food so far has been egg whites and an English muffin. Then 3 eggs with potatoes. Yogurt and almonds. Shaved steak for lunch. No plans for dinner yet.
OT is worth playing the catch up time usually anyways…i couldn’t tell you the last time i worked a 40 hour week,let alone OT
Everything today has gone wrong. It actualy started last night I told the boss we should just trash what we have listen to the universe it’s told at least three times we are not supposed to be making the product with this shit. We had a metal clamp get sucked into grinder yesterday and lock that up. O c that was fixed our raw material has gotten progressively worse and we’ve already scrapped two batches so I think just
Dumping the last two would be smart move. We are still way ahead of the ball on inventory
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