Good morning all.Breakfast was 4 scrambled eggs with pepper n ketchup,1 plain bagel,R1 shake,water.Gonna do chest in a little bit.My family is goin to my sister’s house for BBQ, however I am not,don’t feel like dealing with them,I’m in my own little world lately and can’t get the fuck outta my own way.So I’m gonna get the dogs and my fishing shit,take a hike down one of the local rivers,way past where everyone else goes and hit some holes where I know some trout are,packing a lunch,treats for the dogs etc,and gonna take my time working the river,gonna use night crawlers,power bait and a few Panther Martins.Whats everyone else up to? And just a friendly reminder that today is about the Vets who made the ultimate sacrifice,not the ones that are alive,it’s just not just another BBQ holiday…