May 29th edition of diets and training

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Staff member
Good morning all.Breakfast was 4 scrambled eggs with pepper n ketchup,1 plain bagel,R1 shake,water.Gonna do chest in a little bit.My family is goin to my sister’s house for BBQ, however I am not,don’t feel like dealing with them,I’m in my own little world lately and can’t get the fuck outta my own way.So I’m gonna get the dogs and my fishing shit,take a hike down one of the local rivers,way past where everyone else goes and hit some holes where I know some trout are,packing a lunch,treats for the dogs etc,and gonna take my time working the river,gonna use night crawlers,power bait and a few Panther Martins.Whats everyone else up to? And just a friendly reminder that today is about the Vets who made the ultimate sacrifice,not the ones that are alive,it’s just not just another BBQ holiday…
Piddling around here. Measuring for attic elevator. Got some concrete to pour… go get bags of concrete… mix… trowel… I’m exhausted just texting about it.

Samo grub. Probably no weight training today.
I’m not training today had 2lbs of watermelon and some chicken for breakfast, having some liver and broccoli later then proats this afternoon and night before bed. Do you guys prefer your oats warm or cold?
No training today just eating some good food.
Making big steaks and baked potatoes tonight then back at it tomorrow with the exception of lunch. I promised the guys steak sandwich for lunch then 100% back in. Looks like I’m competing again in Mass on June 11
Same food as the last couple of days. Trained some legs. Nothing crazy by any means. Hope everyone is enjoying the holiday weekend
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