SB Labs

May 9th installment of diets and training

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Staff member
Military Vet
Good morning all.Breakfast was 5 HB eggs no yolk,1 bagel plain, banana, cranberry juice.Working til 2 then gym not sure what I’m working.Today I am grateful for the time I get to spend with my daughter.Hope everyone has a smooth and productive day.
My grandma kicked the bucket late last night,I’m not going to funeral/viewing I’ve seen her twice the last decade.i had to explain to my dad and sister that death isn’t the same for me,I’ve had 3x the amount of death compared to a average person.Not to mention most of the death I’ve experienced was horrific,gory,you name it so deaths like these come easy for me.
3 Sausage, egg, and cheese omelets. 4 Toaster strudels for snack. 2 grilled ham and cheese with a honey bun for lunch. Steak and sweet rolls for second snack. Not sure about dinner. Mass gainer shake before and after legs. Unless I grab a chocolate milk after. Today I am thankful i don’t have to walk or ride a bike to the gym.
What flavor strudel.i like the cinnamon n sugar ones,but I spread cream cheese icing on them,plus that little packet isn’t enough icing.
It was the strawberry ones I believe. I smashed them out so quick I barely noticed the flavor. I couldn’t handle much more icing. Sweets do me like little kids. I’d be all wound up and crash out hours later.
Ha ha whaaaaatt… .you have honey buns and chocolate milk and toaster strudels on a daily basis,aren’t those sweets .
I had a good one other day. I ate like hell. Smoked like hell. Didn’t nap. Pounded the weights. Got home and crashed out on the bed with jogging pants around my ankles. I fell asleep around 8 and slept until the next day about 7.
I’m not military but I know I process death different than most. Not cause I’ve
Seen so many but juat I know it’s inevitable and there’s nothing I can do to change it so why get held up on people dying I just move on with my life
Yeah.until it hits home,like a parent or siblings then I pretty much don’t care.
My mom died I cried once when I heard it then it was ok life moves on. Now it took me
Forever to learn o do the same with shit I’ve done in life but we are better at letting past be past now
Dirtnasty said:
I know it’s inevitable and there’s nothing I can do to change it so why get held up on people dying I just move on with my life

Some pinch a little more than others but life is a long line…. Someone dies and it’s “everyone take one step forward”
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