SB Labs

Megagrisevit-Mono® (clostebol acetate)


Megagrisevit-Mono® (clostebol acetate)

Androgenic 25
Anabolic 46
Chemical Names
Estrogenic Activity none
Progestational Activity no data available (low)

Clostebol acetate is an anabolic steroid that is derived from testosterone. Clostebol is 4-chloro-testosterone, a modification that makes this steroid a low strength anabolic compound with minimal androgenic potency. This analog of testosterone is also not 17-alpha alkylated and does not aromatize, so there is little worry of water retention, gynecomastia, or liver toxicity during use. The hydrogen substitution at the 4 position does not greatly enhance the oral efficacy of this drug, however, so the injectable is much more potent on a milligram for
milligram basis, and generally preferred. Although a derivative of the potent androgen testosterone, clostebol is certainly far removed from its parent steroid in action, and generally favored by athletes for its mildness, not raw power.
That’s actually Cheque Drops I don’t understand why the numbers are so low that’s why I posted it

I lied there not Cheque Drops lol
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Yeah I thought that this one was a different version but I was wrong nothing to do with Cheque Drops the name clestabol acetate is basically a prohormone version of tbol it seems like being that its 4-chlorotestosterone if it was methylated it would be tbol so this seems to be inj tbol maybe?
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Megagrisevit Mono (Clostebol) is basically testosterone with an added 4-chloro group in the A-ring. What does that mean? All it means is that it cannot properly interact with the 5-Alpha-Reductase enzyme to be 5-alpha reduced to dihydrotestosterone. Thus, hair loss and acne caused by DHT is not possible. Aromatization is also not possible, so estrogenic side effects aren’t likely either. On paper Megagrisevit Mono looks great and it basically has a similar anabolic: androgenic ratio to other steroids like Masteron. But I have to say that since it isn’t DHT-Derived like Masteron is, it’s probably not going to have some of the cool precontest physique hardening properties of Masteron and other similar compounds. To be perfectly frank, Clostebol is just a pretty weak testosterone-derived steroid. I wish I could say that it has more to offer, but really, it doesnt. Megagrisevit Mono (the brand name for Clostebol Acetate) is presented in a 10 ml per 1.5 ml vial. This means you’ll need to fill up on many oily injections, which you are going to have problems finding injection sites for. You know what else? The short ester found on this stuff will mean that you have to basically load up on tons of this stuff at least every other day. Women may be able to get by with a bit less, possibly 1.5mls every other day. There is an oral form of clostebol acetate that is under the same name of Megagrisevit Mono, but I can’t see that form being extremely effective either. I think you’ll need to take 100-200mgs of it daily. Remember, it isn’t 17-alpha-alkylated, so it’ll be destroyed by your liver in pretty short order. I’ve heard many reports on the forums that a few people have had access to this drug and liked it, but I’ve not been able to confirm this with anyone reputable. My advice is that this drug has been discontinued for a good reason and should be avoided by most serious athletes and bodybuilders.

As a side note, I’m not really too thrilled with the addition of an Acetate ester to improve oral absorption. When we look at Trenbolone Acetate (oral) vs./ Trenbolone Acetate (Injectable), on the chart below, we can see that the injectable is around 100 xs as effective for increasing Labc weight, which can be fairly accurately used as a measure of anabolism:
That’s a pretty hefty difference in that area, and it is more than enough to get me wondering about the effects of oral acetate ingestion vs./ intramuscular administration. I have to say, again, I’m not thrilled with going the oral route, simply because there’s an acetate ester attached.

One of the most interesting things I found when researching this compound is that an athlete had tested positive for it by having sex with a woman who had used a Brazilian compound known as Trofodermin, which is produced by Searle. This product is indicated for cervicitis, postoperative vaginitis, and ulcerative vaginitis, and the recommended dose is 5g 1-2x a day. And, of course, it is to be administered intravaginally. As a result, the athlete who tested positive for Clostebol claimed to have had sex with a woman who had been using this product. Then tests (all in the name of science) were performed where two couples had intercourse following the vaginal application of Trofodermin, and the men were tested via urinalysis for Clostebol (before and after intercourse). It was then determined that Clostebol can indeed be absorbed through the penis following vaginal administration of a Clostebol containing compound. Whoever said that anti-doping research is no fun?
They do say that its bad stuff though it got discontinued for a reason im not sure why though but something like this would be perfect for women just without the issues