SB Labs

Member of the month October 2020 sponsored by optum labs

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Oh ya!!! Specially when she is ten years younger and likes gear too. Clen and anavar make her like to
Do a lot of sexercise.
Haha jealous over here. Speaking of Clen that is something I might pick up. You ever try some of the wife’s?
I played with it a little but never got into too much. I may try it between cycles this time around. My heart rate and BP get high on a cycle anyways.
The recommends way is start at 20 and work up in those intervals by the end of 2 weeks it will
Lose the ability to burn fat like you want they say. Benydril will sensitize yin to it agains so some
Do 2 on 1 off with ben that day. It has long half life
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