SB Labs

Member of the month October 2020 sponsored by optum labs

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Reminds me of a joke I saw on a different forum.

Dad finds his son’s stash of gear, and tells the son they need a family meeting.

So the dad and the son, as well as the mom and all the siblings are in the living room with the gear and needles all together on a table.

The dad starts talking with “do you have any idea how unsafe this can be?”

The son starts to try to talk, but the dad says

“What if you hit a nerve or a blood vessel? And why are your needles so big? Now pull down your pants and let me show you how to pin.”
Umm not sure on this one. I’ve read 5-10 of Ester weight. But not 3. I also haven’t don’t a lot of digging on it.

If I calculate my own Ester weight and dose, to match my labs it’s closer to 10. But test E Ester weight At 250mg a week- 3 and 5 get you adequate trt coverage.

All that to say- do your lab work and determine what YOUR number usually is.
Thank you all for everything ENJOY! All i can really say you are all incredible and i am very thankful.

In the mean time all orders have been shipped and tracking is in everyones inbox as usual.

We will be going on a hiatus but will be around! Thank you all!
Haha! Hopefully he bought something nice with our money! I’m pack it out for delivery for my winnings I’m so excited! Wife not so much lol- she doesn’t believe me when I said it was free haha
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