SB Labs

MENT (methylnortestosterone acetate)

On Reddit a lot of the big boys there claim MENT is the best thing since sliced bread. Very low doses too. They say 10-20mg a day for a blast brings crazy results. It really has me intrigued
@herrubermensch saw on another thread you running ment at 50mg a day. You mind telling me your experience and how you like it? Have you ran it in the past? Doses? Is really as good as others make it out to be?

From what I’ve read at 50mg a day that should be a real strong dose with some crazy gains
Yes. I ran it for about four weeks initially back in January at 100mg/ED and had to stop because my BP spiked too much. Later in the same blast, I went back to it for about six weeks at the lower dose and avoided the BP spike and had some nice strength gains. The difference between 50mg and 100mg ED, however, is stark, the latter being what really sent me through the roof in terms of strength and just overall well-being. One key thing for me is that, as advertised, Ment is easier on your prostate: my psa dropped when I shifted to Ment from high dose test from 3.75 into the low 2s and now currently sits in the high 1s!

Oh, and I have been running .5 mg Adex ED with the Ment. So far, that has been sufficient.
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You got the right idea brother start low and pin ed at the same time and keep your levels nice and stable then if needed probably not adjust dosage up.
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Yeah I’m pretty slow to bump up. If I’m happy with results and sides are minimal, I’d just leave the dose alone. Like with tren right now, running just 200mg a week. I’m happy with results and minimal sides, so might as well just leave it alone even though the reddit dudes are sometimes “oh gotta run it at 350mg minimum”

No thanks I’m good haha
I’ll be running at 350 but it’s just going to be that low
Dose test and proviron no orals want to let it shine and see what it does I mean if it gets me to 600 on bench then we know it’s a real deal compound jk
Recent Compound Experience Threads

Here’s some more recent Compound Experience Threads:

• ⁠319 days ago
• ⁠137 days ago

Conservative MENT Blast

MENT can be run solo.

OR Start paired with TRT test (100-140mg).

As an acetate, it needs to be run ED. Many even dose it twice a day. MENT doesn’t bind to SHBG. Once it’s cleaved from the ester, it’s fully metabolized within 40 minutes, leaving no suppressive metabolites.

• ⁠Start with it at Cruise (400–700mcg).
• ⁠Ease into it at 1-2mg.
• ⁠A week or two at 5mg.
• ⁠A week or two at 10mg.
• ⁠Take it up to 25mg. No rush.
• ⁠If you’re ambitious you can go to 50, 75, even 100mg …
• ⁠When plenty of guys are finding phenomenal, world-changing lifetime Personal Best Records at doses as low as 5–10mg per day, there’s no need to rush into anything higher.
• ⁠In doing so, you’ll find your sweet spot, save your wallet, and simultaneously guarantee the absence of any adverse sides.
• ⁠When finished just drop back down to a cruise (400–700 micrograms per day) or “enhanced cruise” (2–5mg). MENT is intended to serve as a prostate-safe healthy replacement for TRT—so you don’t ever even have to come off of it.
Completely disregard those ridiculously antiquated early Compound Experience Thread impressions. They didn’t know what they had yet or how to work with it.

7α-Methylestradiol has since been shown to be equipotent to estrogen at the receptor. It isn’t some magic powerful gyno trigger—especially when you’re taking less than a milligram per day. Any aromatization issues are completely overblown.

Read the Compound Description Page and the content linked from there. They outline why it was such a problem before and it’s become a complete non-issue today.

Remember you can dose MENT as low as 400 micrograms. 5mg is plenty sufficient to get unheard-of gains. Yet it’s so side-free that I had no issues with it even at 100mg.

:tipping_hand_woman: Estrogen Management

MENT doesn’t directly impact estradiol (E2). As 7α-Methylestradiol (7α-Me-E2), it differs from the estrogen produced by Dianabol (17-α), and it doesn’t show on bloodwork. The 17α-Methylestradiol produced by Dianabol aromatizes at a much lower rate, but it’s metabolism-resistant and so can lead to side effects. On the contrary, the 7α-Methylestradiol produced from MENT is rapidly rendered inert.

When adding MENT, don’t modify estrogen management. EQ/MENT or Primo/MENT ratio doesn’t matter as much as the dose of Testosterone you’re taking, as that’s going to be the primary aromatizing compound.

If you start MENT and begin to experience sides, just lower the dose. 7α-Methylestradiol is very quick in/out, so more frequent dosing will cut down on spikes. Treat MENT like TNE—you wouldn’t adjust your AI dose when introducing TNE.

:man_facepalming:t3: Gyno?

• ⁠“I have bad pubertal gyno and have run MENT up to 700 without a single side other than blood pressure.”
• ⁠“There’s essentially zero estrogen sides. It’s a side-effect-free, more powerful and effective love child of Trenbolone and Nandrolone that’s so ridiculously perfect it feels almost too good to be true.”
• ⁠“I experienced no issues at 350mg a week last off-season and I have absolutely zero idea why anyone would need to run MENT higher than that.”
That’s a great write up I knew I liked that guy.
Its great information even the part about running it without testosterone to help prevent aromatase.
PNWmuscle said:
Once it’s cleaved from the ester, it’s fully metabolized within 40 minutes, leaving no suppressive metabolites.
Im not sure if this is true or if its true but exaggerated. It has an acetate ester which is going to give you the ability to inj eod I wouldn’t but you can its strange because the compound isn’t just released from an ester instantly. I believe that possibly after the compounds ester allows it to live its half life than possibly only 40 minutes later its no longer detectable? That would be amazing for drug tested athletes.
I’m doing once a day but would consider twice a day if I could inject at work but I’d rather not risk that