SB Labs

Metandren (methyltestosterone)


Metandren (methyltestosterone)

Androgenic 94-130
Anabolic 115-150
Chemical Names
17b-hydroxy 17a-methyi 4 androsten -one
17 alpha-methylandrost 4 en 3-one 1750
Estrogenic Activity high
Progestational Activity not significant

Methyltestosterone is an orally available form of the primary male androgen testosterone. Looking at the structure of this steroid, we see it is basically just testosterone with an added methyl group at the c-17 alpha position (a c-17 alpha alkylated substance), which allows for oral administration. The resultant compound
“methylated-testosterone” was among the first functional oral steroids to be produced. This field of research has consequently improved greatly over the years, and today methyltestosterone is quite crude in comparison to many of the other orals that were subsequently developed. The action of this steroid is moderately anabolic and
androgenic, with high estrogenic activity due to its aromatization to 17-alpha methyl estradiol. This generally makes methyltestosterone too troublesome (in terms of estrogenic side effects) to use for muscle building purposes