Middle East Is Getting Chippy … AGAIN

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You know what I think… Everyones saying this that the other thing …but to be honest,the Infantry guys on the ships,the MEU,the others that are waiting to deploy,are probably salivating at the thought of getting their COMBAT ACTION RIBBON,I know I was.I didn’t bust my ass in training to not be tested in combat.Its what a Infantry Man wants and needs.
I was never “scared”. Sitting here thinking about it…I guess I just considered it something I signed up to do and (like you said) trained hard for and had complete confidence in my and my surrounding compadres abilities.

I would really like to hear from @TBU @Ldog and others that have been over the pond on real world missions.

It’s been a very long time ago (40 years for me) and my thoughts at that time are a bit foggy/blurred/skewed.
Interesting conversation…

There’s so much ugliness and hate in this world. I know it’s been here forever but I guess the 24/7 News cycle and Internet amplifies it.

That’s a different kind of hate… going in and doing that to civilian women and children/babies.
TBH. If they do not tie the hands of those deployed with silliness, it will be quick. In Iraq/Afghanistan the beginning it was war. As the ROE changed it became difficult for people to do there job. I have a ton of stories of aborts on missions because some legal bullshit. Have eyes on bad guys and aborted because they weren’t “armed” at the time we dialed them in. FACs and JTACS having eyes on, but on video with “non aggressive acts” at the time. 🤦‍♂️ Bad guys knew how to play the game in the end. Thanks news for US giving clarification on the ROE. :roll_eyes:
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