Mixing certain steroids


Well-known member
Can you stack anything or will using certain steroids together defeat using another? If anyone understands what im asking lol
You can stack anything, but the effects might not make sense and they can create problems with sides. If you’re prone to losing hair, maybe don’t run a bunch of DHT derivative anabolics together. I’d youre running a lot of steroids that coverts to estrogen, best have strong AIs on hand.
I’d say in general you can stack most AAS together however I’d say taking a cycle of say 3+ orals is not smart because you’d be destroying your liver. As well as in my opinion I wouldn’t stack two 19 nor compounds in the same cycle as it would be a lot on your body but maybe someone on here has run two at once and could elaborate but by general rule of thumb I try not to stack multiple of the same derivatives as well as going crazy w too many orals at once
Well I had at one point (first cycle ever, didn’t know better or care) I had no goals and mixed deca n tren, looked great, minor issues nothin bad…I also have mixed deca n npp, and no I didn’t use the npp to jump start I used it the whole time, I BLEW the fuck up like never before, however again it was a early cycle didn’t know shit had nothing else on hand, like adex, or anything and my dick was ABSOLUTELY USELESS
Yea people
Just throw all kinds of shit together like taking all their gear throwing it on counter and just picking whatever. You know who I’m referring to lol gear was made for specific goals and reason. Like when I see people use deca with tren or mastron or even primo. I’m like what the fuck are you thinking.
It really scares me some of the cycle I see thrown together. Like even the comments here scare me. I think @Ironside is one an example of someone that studies how and what to stack together and he knows how compounds effect his body. I mean he even does precise blood work to know specific data for his body. If more people would take this type of approach there would be less stories of people ruining their bodies. Or hire a coach to help teach you or if you’re too lazy to learn have a coach lay it out for you so you’re safe. And when I say coach make sure he or she knows what they are talking about.
Anyone else have water retention issues with high test and low tren? I had to.balance the 2 out… was taking on water like the the friggin Titanic… lesson learned for how my body works.
Biggest thing I see is the more is better attitude. It’s not. And stacking like items and basically wasting money. Biggest waste is orals. There is a reason most orals are only good for 4 - 6 weeks besides destroying your liver. Spend a little money. Talk to a trainer, there are several on here. Save thousands in the long run. I can tell you all the no not do things cuz back in the day it was only bro science and no internet. It I had half the gear I wasted I’d be happy. And back in the day almost EVERYTHING you got was pharmacy grade gear. Makes me cry a bit 😂 Hell, I’m thinking of contacting @PHD to get dialed back in from this shoulder injury. 😁
I did a write up or maybe it was just an informative post about this. There IS a particular way to stack different compounds and they should be stacked in accordance with the particular use and capabilities of the compounds. There are many compounds that work synergistically and there are ones that will “butt heads” for lack of a better description. People really need to study steroid profiles to understand their particular use and what each one is capable of.

There should always be a test base then you can figure out your goals and what compounds fit that profile. You will almost always find a Test/19nor/DHT stack to fit your needs.
Water finds its level. I believe duchaine or in that ERA it was class 1, class 2. I don’t think there was a class 3. I believe it was implied that it was a “dht” derived drug. Your right, we just naturally, haha, found test, deca, winstrol. Not research based but had synergy. Anyone remember that period 86- 9?. Could of been Patrick Arnold. Personally, no matter what I read, hear, etc over the years. I find 2 or 3 AAS at a time, shorter higher mg, then switch two completely. Maybe even switch the test ester. All things equal, diet, rest, training, what works for you, etc.
It wouldn’t default using another but some shouldn’t be used together because some are so similar that I would say that they would off set each other instead of complementing each other which is what you are really looking for when creating a stack.