My Latest “Cycle” and thoughts


Staff member
I decided to post here rather than my log so y’all wouldn’t get bored to death reading about jurassic training.

A couple of months ago I added anavar into my trt (125mg cyp e3d). I immediately felt terrible. Kept at it for another couple of weeks because my quarterly labs were due. Labs came back and sure enough… renal function markers showed negative signs. With the help of @NeuroRN we drilled down and figured out my diabetes meds were already taxing my system and anavar did indeed put me over the top. So the “feeling” was bad and labs backed it up. I immediately stopped var never to touch it again.

Three weeks ago I added proviron. No sides… felt great. Labs are next month so we will see.

Two weeks ago i started primo. So far I feel great.

Right now its:

Test cyp at 125mg e3d

Proviron 25mg a day

Cialis 10mg a day

Primo 300mg a week

Everything is a light dose. I am very certain I will not raise anything up… at least for now. I feel great. Just adjusting to new work schedule.

I’m still moving some semi respectable weight while losing some bf… trying not to dip below 200 pounds bw.

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I’ll probably run out of primo in a month or so. Not sure how much prov i got.

To be honest I don’t know. Hahaha
Var didn’t agree with me for sure. I started on metformin and doc added more and adjusted.

For me personally it was my diet… once i got back to basic tracking things i put in my sewar it got better.
Your dad still drinking?

I had to give all that up. I love beer on ice around the pool… a bunch of it.