My test levels after cycle and pct


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I took the test after I ate at around 4pm, I heard it’s better to do it in the morning. Before my cycle I was around 650
29 years old. I took test and nandrolone and pct I did nolva and clomid . My PCT was good I feel my test is good tho. My sex drive is high and I kept a good amount of muscle. Maybe I could try again and do it in the morning?
Wow that’s seems low for your age. Maybe get retest after a few week. BTW. Where the fuck have you been bro. Haven’t seen you in a while.
Most important is you feel good physically and mentally. Second, your % is good between free and total test. That is very important and no one really pays attention to it. Andrew Huberman talks a lot about this
It won’t make that big a difference. This test shows down over 40% an AM reading won’t make up that difference
… Not my 2 cents but IFBB seth feroce’s who says youve got to have hcg no matter what for pct and that so many just do clomid and novy which is not proper pct… but from his recommendation you could get by off just hcg and nova but he stresses the hcg for proper pct…
Hiiiiii, I did use HCG but I thought it suppresses you after the cycle leaves. I did a long cycle this time 18 weeks. Ok could PCT again
It’s weird because my brother who is about to turn 20. His test came back as 450 and he builds muscle quick and has been packing it on and he’s natty
Remember. Don’t use someone else’s experience to determine what is “normal” 18 weeks is a long nandrolone cycle. You are most likely still suppressed.

I personally would do hcg for several more weeks.
Your test is “low” but you are producing it. Which means your junk is back to operation. Mine is always lower after PCT but goes up before the next cycle. As long as you feel good and sex drive is up, I would say your probably fine. Just my opinion
I am great. Thanks for asking

I believe everyone has hit the nail on the head. You are not shut down for sure. Believe me you would know it.

Maybe take the suggestion of hcg for a bit.

My opinion…and mine only… don’t fudge with it. You’re feeling good, sex drive is good and you’re retaining muscle. What else can you ask for. Ride it out for another 3 months.
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