My test levels after cycle and pct

I’ve stated this before. You can still participate here even though you’re not “on”.

I believe there’s a misconception with some folks that you’re not training hard enough and can’t talk about it unless you’re pumping juice into yourself. That can’t be farther from the truth.

I’m on the most boring low dose stuff in the world and I don’t feel the need to shut up although I probably should most of the time!

Please don’t be a stranger.
Both cycles I did were good. I would say less is more and if your diet and workout if good you really don’t need much unless your a body builder (I’m a combat athlete)

I just don’t like all the pinning and since I’m not getting through pharma or script I don’t feel comfortable doing another cycle just try when I’m older and need it

I’d prob say HGH and NPP were my favorite
I’m late to this party, but will throw in my $.02 nevertheless.

Earlier in life, when I was horrifically shut down from my first stupid newbie cycle consisting of sustanon, deca, and dianabol, my TRT doc (now deceased), who was then considered one of the foremost authorities on TRT and related issues, brought my junk roaring back to life with SIX MONTHS of 100iu of HCG EVERY DAY and three or so months of test cyp 100mg each week. At the end of the six month period, I was much better, but it took a few months thereafter for it all to come back as it was. At the one year mark, I was right as rain.

The points here are: (1) HCG can be taken for a long time and be very therapeutic in the PCT context. (2) Following the conclusion of HCG-based PCT, it will take a while to regain full HPTA function. Based solely on my experience, therefore, I would think a further course of HCG could be helpful, but you also might just need more time as @JLee and @NeuroRN suggest.