My test levels after cycle and pct

About 500 test and 300 nandrolone for 18 weeks and pct was a month and half of nolva and clomid starting at 100 then lowering the dosage. I could do HCG for a bit.

I thought you weren’t supposed to HCG off cycle only during to keep nads going
If you feel okay I’d ride it out it’s a slow process to bounce back with a nandrolone. Believe metabolites can linger and suppress a bit for months after stopping. If you wanted a bit off a kick start I see no harm in running HCG for 4-5 weeks I would do 500iu 2x A week. Will help speed up any testicular atrophy that may be contributing to your recovery. For instance if your HPTA is back firing signals to the balls to make test but your balls just ain’t fully there yet that may be why test is low. HCG can definitely speed u that process.
Yes I did that but as soon as I knew the test was gone I stopped hcg

I did NPP btw not deca

I have extra nolva around. Should I use it for a week?
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GillyTheKid said:
I thought you weren’t supposed to HCG off cycle only during to keep nads going
I guess that depends who you are brother… From what i learned or from what I BELIEVE as i take in knowledge
is that HCG longer than three weeks is pushing it. Your body starts to depend on it. If i can remember correctly i think i was asked or suggested to run it the whole cycle. For me i run it for pct only and taper off. And some …well… theyll will just run it constantly through the cycle
Yes its bro science like a mother fucker unfortunately…
Some will agree… others will disagree… Im not here to say whats right or wrong…cuz HEY…its brooooo science everybody knows there body and has a system they believe in and one i believe in… But we or I cycle on and off cuz it “healthier”
Also the body does develop a sort of tolerance… when you cycle off then on the body takes better hold of that shit better…better gains bro…but once again thats me and another will push gear year around and say thats where its at. @Stretch22 has a different approach than i… pertaining to hcg…im sorry i have no clear answer for you because there will be a mixture of advice. But myself ill try and run a short ester at the end so i can jump on PCT quickly. Than ill pick a dosage of my choosing considering the cycle… no longer than 16 days eod per hcg.
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Got ya. I did do the HCG for three weeks after before I started PCT.

So if I took nolva or clomid now would it mess me up? Do you need to take it for a full PCT lenght? The PCT with nolca and clomid I only did for 6 weeks
I take HCG 500 mcg three times a week on cycle and off cycle for another couple months. It helps a lot I have never had my body depend on it. It has never been an issue. I love it. It is my favorite accessory compound. From what I have read taking more clomid should be fine.
Yes mine prescribed HCG and was on for 90 days at a time. 250 iu per day.

Was before I was prescribed test for TRT.

All clinics are going to be different. Just as everyone reacts differently to the same compounds.
You need to test LH and FSH to see if the clomid is working. With the compounds you ran, it probably suppressed you more than other compounds. I would want to see if the clomid was causing the pituitary to increase fsh and lh, or is it that the testicles haven’t fully began to produce testosterone.

Another pct is recommended in my opinion.