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New diet and training log

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Pinnacle training and nutrition/MOD
Staff member
Military Vet
Keep forgetting to get this going. Started this last weekend so just about a week in.
Just got back in the gym Monday after 2 weeks off with back injury and Covid. Starting very slow and so far feel good. Lost A LOT of strength bieng out with the rona. Couldn’t believe how weak I was getting back in.
Will be training 3 on 1 off to start.
Day 1-

Chest shoulders

Day 3-

Day 4 off

Day 5-

Day 6-

Day 7
Chest shoulders

I’ll throw up some actual sessions once I add some volume and intensity back in this week

Here is a look at my diet. Very specific with 1 cheat meal in on the weekend.
No variation except while on duty I may have to sub a shake for a meal depending on day

Meal 1: 7:30 a.m. 2 whole eggs, 6 oz ground turkey BREAST (99% lean), 1 cup white rice, 2 cups garden salad (lettuce, cucumber, carrot etc) with 3 tbsp distilled vinegar, black tea or coffee

Meal 2: 10:30 a.m. 6 oz chicken breast, 1 cup steamed mixed veggies, ½ medium avocado

Meal 3: 1:00 p.m. 8 oz broiled cod, 1 cup white rice, 2 cups garden salad (lettuce, cucmber, carrot etc), 1 tbsp olive oil and 3 tbsp distilled vinegar

During Training: 1 liter water

Meal 4: 4:30 p.m. 8 oz broiled cod, 1 cup white rice, 2 cups garden salad (lettuce, cucmber, carrot etc), 1 tbsp olive oil and 3 tbsp distilled vinegar

Meal 5: 7:30 p.m. 6 whole eggs, ½ cup steamed spinach
Forgot to add supps

200 test cyp - M/F
200 tren 50mg EOD
300 mast -100m/w/f
25mg T-3 every day
25 mg Var everyday

Glutathione- 1cc eod
Metformin-1,000mg Dailey
Vitamin D3: Life Extension Vitamin D3 5000 IU- 1 softgel 2x daily

Vitamin K2: Life Extension Super K2 Complex- 1 softgel daily

Vitamin C: Ester C 1000 mg- 1 tablet 2x daily

Jarrow Ubiquinol 200 mg- 1 softgel daily

Life Extension Mega Benfotiamine 250 mg- 1 capsule 2x daily

Doctor’s Best Nattokinase- 4 capsules upon waking

Wobenzym- 4 tablets pon waking

Continue taking zinc, fish oil, quercetin
Down 6lbs since starting so extremely happy so far.
Not hungry at all so don’t think I need to make any adjustments just yet.
Big cheat meal tonight. Made homemade chicken parm and pasta. Was soooo good
Diet was the usual meals.
Trained chest and shoulders today

Db incline press 4x10-12
Bb flat press 4x8-10
Cable fly 4x15

Standing BB press 4x10
Db side raise 4x10-12
Cable rear delt 4x10-12

Jitz at noon
20min bike
A. Bicep isometric contraction 3x3 reps that are 20 sec hold rest 90 sec
Hold barbell at 90 degrees into pins as hard as you can . Just use this bar.
Then biceps in isolation then heavy.
B1. Scott curl 3x8 3010 60 sec
B2 supinated close grip chin up 3x 5 +rp. so 5 reps 5 sec down then rest 20 sec and do as many more as you can with same tempo.
Lastly stretched position hold
C. 3x 60 sec incline db curl add 15 sec every week.
You keep your arms completely straight and just curl enough for tension and hold
Thennn same concept for triceps
C.Tricep extension into pins same as A. Bicep
D1. Cross cable extensions (ask Rob)
3x8 3011 60sec
D2 kadillac bar close grip press
3x 8 5010 90 sec rest pause do 8 rack it then try to get 3-5 more after rest.
E. Overhead rope extension hold on fully stretched position for 60 sec
3 sets
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