SB Labs

New exercise I found to break you off mid workout

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I found a new way or maybe not so new to some of you experienced folks on here but let me tell you…ive never had a chest pump like that in my life. Anyways I added in ladder pushups. Stand outside a smith machine adjust the bar 2 rungs below nipple height. Crank out 10 pushups then go all the way down to the floor hitting every rung on the way down. Then back up to where your started. Doesent sound like much but when you add up total pushups at the end you’ll see why your chest fills up quick.
I just found a nice chest finisher a couple weeks ago. Standard pushups and side to side over under battle ropes. 30 seconds on 30 seconds off for 2 or 3 rounds. Nothing left after 3 rounds of that. The battle ropes is basically a backflye then chest flye as fast as possible right hand over right hand under alternating.
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