SB Labs

New Guy! What’s up everyone!

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U.S. Navy Vet
Hey everyone! I’m new to the UGMuscle fam and just wanted to introduce myself. Joined the site to get a little guidance and insight on things I may have questions for. I’ve been working out for about 8 years now and it all started when I played college ball. I just recently got out of the military and am in pretty good shape. I’m 6’ 210 pounds and I’m at about a 12% body fat. I have a lot of friends that juice and I’ve always been natural but have been looking heavily into trying it out. Should I stay the natural path or try and take it to the next level? Any guidance is appreciated!
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Welcome to ugmuscle brother I made this your introduction. Were glad to have you around I also gave you your veteran badges.
Which service were you a part of I will make it your title and you have access to the veterans category.

This is something to get you started
Welcome New Members were glad to have you and a small guide to get started at ugmuscle we look forward to having you as part of our community Forum News & Rules
This is our welcome to all our new members. Whatever your goals are were here to support and help you achieve them don’t be worried by the bodybuilder lifestyle part of our forum we are a complete platform welcoming bodybuilding lifestyle, diet, and training. So were all here for the same reason even im not a bodybuilder I consider myself a gym rat because I don’t have the discipline to get as lean as these pro bbers do so I just like to workout and stay in shape just like everyone else. Im Ban…
Rules 2021 for Read Before Posting Forum News & Rules
Here are the Rules for our community. Please read them very carefully: RESPECT each member on this forum like the way you would like to be respected. Remind yourself that we each work extremely hard in building ourselves physically, emotionally, and most of all, mentally. We, including yourself, are here on this forum for knowledge and guidance. Do not post ASKING where to get any compound legal or illegal. This is for your protection as well as the rest of the community. This is to avoid …
Welcome and that is around the age when I think Doing a first cycle is pretty acceptable. Your old enough that you’ve probably just damn near hit your natural limit but you g enough to bounce back from a a cycle a two and have natural production.
That’s honestly why I thought that you were going to be smaller if you were to start running testosterone I bet first cycle someone like you with the right diet could easily gain 10lbs of actual muscle possibly more because you already have such a solid frame.
Nice shirt. I was there! Hahaha

You look great btw. Apparently you’re doing everything right.
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