New RX Muscle Video "Mexican connect"


Staff member
Cross Mexico off your list! I would never touch whatever this guy is taking! …or making. Funny video 15 bucks for primotestin? 10 bucks however for “great hgh”…Cheers to all our hard-working sponsors and staff here, otherwise we would all be taking 2 g of propionate from that dope dude and having that physique!!
Lol I wanted to see it since you posted here with it. Its always funny with the know it all guys in their 20s and look like they never stepped into a gym in their life. But they are “experts” saying they’ve tried it all and taken it all.
I don’t what the connection with the Mexican and Dave is but it was a waste of time and video, which in turn revealed relatively little worthwhile information or knowledge. Worthless. I like Dave and seriously WTF?