SB Labs

New Sponsor to UGM - Esquel Labs

I went back to TELE…we need ratios and so much more. 1:6 , i lasted until i couldnt even get to bathroom to eat. Too far, filthy. Lasted a month! Howz you.
Def staying away from tele. 1:6. Jesus Christ. Just interviewed in an open heart icu. I’m tired of Neuro Trauma. Looking for ways to get away from the bedside, I’m tired of it all. This new class of nurses coming out post Covid are terrifying.
I feel so stressed, all these 22 y.o FNP…( look like 17 act like it) went i went back you needed a five year stint in acute care and sign off by supervisor for a bridge program. I guess you can hardly work and keep going to school. I am very much behind APRNs with RN experience. I had to be a CNA first. Sorry hijacked post. I dont have much time left 1.5 years then i can open HRT +PLUS. It will be a cafe type place. Whatever one wants, then just turn my DEA in After 8 years. Retire! Anavar shakes, dexa scans…☠️☠️💪💪💪
Thank you so much for the warm welcome! We’re thrilled to be here and excited to serve all of you.

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I’m getting orders from NP’s that never spent a shift at the bedside in the unit, and they wonder why I get an attitude.

I’m looking to get out sooner rather than later. This shit’s gone to hell.