SB Labs

New Sponsor to UGM - Esquel Labs

The sponsors reserve the right to make reasonable requirements as they see fit.

Not knocking on you brother. That’s just the way it is.
You could say it was weed, you could say it was gear. I got pulled over smoking a bunt(I was young & dumb) had just picked up a package of gear & upon search it was found. I’ll just say mexer for confidentiality but the orals weren’t labeled & never got tested they just charged me with the test,primo,tren. People often get it confused but what we do is not a joke in anyway at all. I received two years on probation.
Hunter_Perry said:
she thinks I stopped AAS 1&1/2 years ago & would kick me out if she found out.
Not judging or telling you your business but I’m thinking keeping stuff like that from your wife might not be a good idea.
Oh it’s not I know it and everyone else does, over the years I’ve gotten it down to that being the only lie & I can sleep peacefully at night with that
LMAO i feel you on the things from the past brother my girl is my highschool sweetheart we’ve been off and on for 11 years & she would find things I never imagined she would & be PISSED
Welcome. Ivee been here awhile and i make comments, you have to have a decoder. Plus, i usually get on at change of shift after huffing voltaren, ben gay, touching lido patches and valtrex without proper protection. Every so often…a pearl of bodybuilding might fall out.