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New to this I need advice

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New member
I’m new to this I’m just trying to get information on my first cycle what should I get for my first cycle?
Well I’m 29, was in the Army, been lifting for a little while now. My diet isn’t too bad, could be more protein packed. I weigh 190 5’ 5’ would like to be hitting 300. Idk it’s like I plateaued.
Welcome to the board.
Diet needs to be on point.
And I would just start with basic test cycle.
Search on here as well for first cycle you will find tons of info on here.
did u mean you wanna bench 300 or you actually wanna weigh 300 cause thats gonna take some serious calorie intake lol. but welcome brother and one thing is fot sure, these guys will help u reach ur goals
Welcome to ugmuscle were glad to have you around

I would recommend doing alot of research before getting anything once you do all the research then come back and post what you believe to be a good first cycle with pct and you definitely have to have a solid diet plan then we should be able to help you get things sorted out.
I’m thinking about getting the newbie cycle # 1 from It’s a 14 week cycle with equipoise. And provimed. It has some post cycle therapy.
First cycle should be just testosterone the reason being is to see how you react.
You will need an AI and pct

The best thing to do is start researching and don’t focus on compounds focus on a diet and training routine once its on point then visit adding compounds
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Welcome aboard bro. The earlier question about your goals was an important one. If you just want to increase your bench to 300, then getting on gear isn’t necessarily needed as you can switch up your training and/or find you a strength/conditioning coach.

If you are wanting to put on some size and develop your physique, then obviously gear would be more appropriate for these goals.

How much you bench has no relevance to how you look and I am sure most can agree that if you are walking down the sidewalk looking like a spartan that nobody really cares what you bench unless it is a fat guy wanting to brag he can bench more than you.

As far as what gear to cycle, do your research and gain the knowledge first. Don’t jump off the high dive with 3 different things when you don’t know how you will respond to test only. Also, make sure you health is in check and that starting gear isn’t going to put you at risk for anything else or complicate current health issues.

But if you choose to pursue gear after everybody’s advice, I would say start off with a simple 10 week run of Test E or C of 500mg per week to see how you respond and learn what to expect from it. Then on your next cycle, you know what to expect from Test and you can add something else with it such as Dbol or Anavar and go from there.

One last point, diet is key. Most people think their diet is on point but it usually isn’t. When you think you are eating enough, DOUBLE IT!

Crawl before you walk brother and don’t hesitate to ask questions.

Good luck
See that’s what I’ve been looking into is just doing a cycle of test before I added anything else. Because honestly I want to bench 300 but look like you said a Spartan. Which is better test c or e? I’ve been trying to do research but all that keeps popping up is this stuff called crazy bulk? Would I need pct after the cycle of test? I need so advice and help from actual people not crazy bulk.
Test C or E. basically the same.
Yes you should do a PCT.

Diet is the key to making it all work and come together for the results you want.
Check it out above there is a magnifying glass type in and search first cycle and other keywords.
Then once you believe that you have a good first cycle figured out come back and post it up and ask if everything looks right in a new topic.
Then we can help you but this is ss much help as we can give we can’t and aren’t able to give you every step. You really have to research the subject.
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