New to UG guess where I was banned from

LoL! I can take a jab @KodiakGrrl 😉 Im just happy it was found. when I 1st started talking to them “behind closed doors” I took offense to it all. Thought I was being singled out. I paused to rethink, because @SemperFi and I have spoken quit a few times, and I realized they are just looking out for not only the community of this board but me as well.

@GlycogenGuy May I ask how the F*** that happened? If you hate deca, have you ever tried NPP? I ask because if your going to start up again I would 100% use something that will raise cartlige production by atleast 550-600%. NPP is faster acting, same benefits as deca, less bloat than deca BUT a few more pins a week. Just a thought I had. I have clients and even myself who tried to cycle before without it and it was hell on the joints. I was hit by a car in NY while jogging (God has a sense of humor), to make it worse I was 3 weeks out from my very FIRST show (NPC) I was down for almost a year. So I KINDA can relate to the issue. give it “shot” since its fast acting it can clear faster. I advise ALL my “newb” clients to use fast acting FIRST to see how they respond, if bad sides…they stop. Test is a staple so…

Sorry this was long winded. My *********** (edited for a reason ty @TG) is about to open a brand in Cali…wait for it…
Alpha Omega Sports Nutrion and sent me a VERY strong pre-workout. Had so much to catch up on I thought “Eh wth”, its like meth or something lol. Peeing a lot. Here I go again…shit…tell them to dial it down. If I was in the gym people would think Im tweaking or something. worse yet, my heart explodes. K Im done…
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I was looking at a flat tire and a car hit me doing 70mph and kept going.

Let me clarify; I liked the lubing of the joints but the effects to my manhood killed me. Maybe I should have upped the test. I never tried NPP. I was looking at DHB. What’s your thoughts. Right now I have a bunch of Test E 400 and Cyp as well as Dbol and Proviron.
Most would say keep your test 100mg higher than any nandrolone compound you use, BUT I feel (for me at least) it needs to be 200mg higher. Remember, your training, that test your using is working on rebuilding etc.

Are you ok with pinning? Edit…pinning EOD or EO3rd day?
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Very cool of you brother nice gesture!!
@GlycogenGuy holy shit thats fkd up bro!! You are so lucky to be alive. Those pics are so fkd up. I glad you are doing better. NPP is awesome much better than long ester deca. You are def gonna enjoy it! I usually run 200mg Mon Weds Fri for 600mgs a week
I guess your back 100%. Thank god. It’s a scary thing. I have been stabbed 8 times, caught in an armed robbery where I fought and got a hammer through my skull, attacked by a pit bull that ripped off my lip and many other accidents but getting hit by the car was the scariest by far. I also broke all ten toes and hurt my knees but no head or kneck injuries. Believe it or not my 2 big toes still are very tender and never really healed.
Holy shit man how the hell are you still alive? You have more lives than a cat lol you def have a guardian angel looking over you with all that bad luck brother
They breed us tough in NY/NJ tristate. Some say lucky I’m alive and some say unlucky all that shit happened. I have a problem backing down. Guess it’s an ego issue. I’m really trying to stay out of shit these days.
Lol i know i have that same ego problems too its gotten me into a lot of shit but nothing like you have gone through. I can def see why you would look at it from the unlucky view just one of those things happening would suck balls but all of them is just straight up fucked.