New to UGMuscle. Excited to be on board

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Hello everyone,
Im new here. I have been training and dieting for 5 plus years and have been utilizing PEDs for the last 1 year. I work as a full time PE Teacher.
I have been diagnosed with Secondary Hypogonadism and high Prolactin. I used to be lethargic and had no motivation to continue living. I found no understanding doctors and almost took my life with my own hands. Fast forward a couple of years and hundreds of hours of research and I finally feel great, energetic and motivated. I`m 5ft 7" and weigh a lean 165lb with 15.5" arms cold.
Thanks for having me on here 🙂
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Welcome to ugmuscle brother sorry about the other post alot of people try to spam our community we don’t allow it but were happy to have you around

How did the cycle go what type of gains how long have you been running the hilma?
I started off with just 220mg Hilma Test E split in EOD dosing with slin pins. That was enough to put 7Kg on my frame with a solid caloric surplus and training regime. Keep in mind that my natural test was 240ng/dl. Blood work on just the 220mh put me at 1600ng/dl and thats why I suspect it to be overdosed. I pushed the dose up to 500mg although the gains where not linear. The best gains experienced was from hypo gonadal to 'bodybuilder trt'. Once I find more time Ill post some more reviews on Dbol and Exemestane. I also have experience with Primo and Masteron.
You should post up the blood work brother I would love to see it im curious about holma biocare.

Why do you continue to copy and paste from emails?? Or is it copy and paste from another forum?

That’s why its formatted that way in grey

Don’t post more reviews like you did yesterday please remember the rules.

Are you receiving compensation for reviews?
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I have no idea why its in grey. I was just stating the facts again. I literally wrote it again not knowing it was exactly the same. I tried to upload a a screenshot of the blood test but its not allowing me
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