New to UGMuscle. This is my cycle


Well-known member
250MG Test E every 5 days.
100mg Tren E every 5 days
25mg Dbol every day first 6 weeks

I have been off cycle and 100% natural for about 8 years. I haven’t had luck in using over 500mg test regardless of the ester or frequency of injection. I start to develop cystic acne over the 500mg test and any compound added to the mix just adds fuel to the fire. I have been making solid gains with the small doses and happy with the results so far but i would like some advice on anything that can help get the acne in check if i bump up the dosage.

Thanks for any help!
You can always go with the accutane route, I personally never used but know of guys that use it with great success, but on the flip side it is very harsh on the liver. I use usually Nutregena acne scrub and mix it it with regular body wash on my luffa, haha that’s a funny word , anyways I’d also recommend doing some tanning as well brotha, goodluck
Yea I thought about accutane. I am in my 30s and unless I am on cycle I have clear skin so it drives me crazy. Cystic acne is extremely painful and takes months to clear up once you break out so I am really trying to avoid it. I will give tanning a shot if its open in my area.
I suffered from horrible cystic acne in my teenage years. Whole face back and chest was covered in pimples every where it was disgusting. I went on accutane for about 6 months and it got rid of everything and even after accutane I never got pimples ever again. Maybe once a year. Even in a cycle now my skin is oily but I’m not getting pimples. Accutane wipes them completely out forever, Atleast in my experience. It’s a powerful drug. I got blood tested every month by my doctor and the only side effect I suffered from was dry lips and that’s it. I recommended it for sure.
There we go- this is no proper way to run any form of anti estrogen.

Please drop nolvadex to 10mg daily at night and .5mg of arimidex 2x weekly on non shot days. This will address the massive suppression and up and down with your hormone levels.

Secondly, please wash with a product called noxzema in the shower daily. This can be applied to the body and face. Then use witch hazel on a cotton ball and apply in the morning then prior to bed. This should remedy the issue in a 10 day span.

All the best i know how acne can bother aome but we can get this corrected.