New Year New Me

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Well-known member
So heres my new log for the year
TRT 100mg 2x a week Tuesday N Fridays.
HCG 2iu a week.
Arimidex 0.5mg on TRT Inj. days
Gorilla Mode a2AM fat burner 4 capsules Mon-Friday
Gorilla mode alpha-yohimbine 1 capsule everyday
60oz of water everyday. i drink about 4 contigo 20oz personal water bottle a


day usually
Things will be adjusted upon entering February as things become available in my schedule tso i can train . As of Right now Losing 1lb a day steady with proof to show . No exercise at ALL. Desk job 10 hours a day fasted till dinner 🥘


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end goal is 170-175. I want to add a bit of muscle to the tank asweel so from there planning to build up. See how far my genes can go.
Do you have time for any activity during the day? Going for a 20 min walk around just the yard or parking lot will do wonders.
I think you are potentially year(s) away from needing to do any sort of cycling with anything but test. Get to a healthy weight first.

Lift weights. Multiple times a week. Cardio daily. And figure out what diet you can adhere to best.

The fact that you’ve stated you’ve used almost every oral is a bit unnerving. I remind you, diet and discipline will take you very far. AAS are no magical shortcut.

If you’re working 10 hours a day, you have time for 3 10 min brisk walks a work day. Let alone the remaining 14 hours in your day.

If you want something you’ve never had, do something you’ve never done.

Good luck.
NeuroRN said:
If you want something you’ve never had, do something you’ve never done.
Love that quote. Can I steal it?

@Cheechblazed 60 or 80 ounces of water isn’t nearly enough especially if your on ychombine. Just a normal fella your size that works 10 hour days should drink a gallon that 128 ounces. Trust me it will make a huge difference in your bodies ability to function. It may seem like a lot at first but within a week you’ll be use to it. And I believe the best way to burn fat is lifting. Fat is inactive body weight. Muscle is active body weight. The more active body weight you have the more calories your gonna burn just to maintain. Establish a 2 month goal see where your macros need to be to achieve it and hit the gym. Many states taking walks. Take a walk first thing in the morning before you eat anything. It’s called fasted cardio you have little to no glucose left in your blood so your body will attack fat stores almost exclusively on that first walk. Correct me if I am wrong on this anyone.

Best of luck brother!! You got this!
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I by all have the means to do it i just cant. like i did every oral in very short period and i have taste tested most to see how i mentally respond my liver values dont get skewed i use to use drugs like a beast up to 2 years ago. Have fought through 3 drug addictions Molly, white, as well as 20g kratom extracts twice a day. I have been on a roller coaster for most my life. I think the pounding my liver took from drinking lean and taking opiates was much worse but i digress. Oh yeah and i got stuck in a ima take the whole sheet of cid phase aswell. I think m assessing things the way they should after being mal onformed on MESO Rx so you guys are a wonderful bunch with valid data i am willing to follow based off what i see and read . No one comes here saying so and so fucking told me to take 500mg test and 500md deca because some dumb fucking bro science no you all use medical literature to back things up.
I will definitely get it in when February hits. I love all the feedback. Will be implementing a full workout guys just not now I literally cant if you saw my situation youd be like FUCK.
Trust me last year i threw cigarettes out the window now im clean a year and 2 years from any drug. The ending of 2021 i fixed my diet. Now i just need to increase my water intake. Start the full blow workouts in february and start hacking this fat.
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